Daily Devotional for September 6, 2018
The Mother Hen

Grandma looked up from making breakfast when Jacob came into the kitchen. “You look tired,” she said.
Jacob yawned. “I was up a lot last night because of the storm.”
“It sure was noisy!” Grandma said as she began mixing pancake batter. “I was up some myself.”
“Did Grandpa go to the barn?” Jacob asked. Grandma nodded, and Jacob put on his rubber boots and went outside. He found Grandpa milking the cow.
“Good morning, Jacob! You look like you could use some more sleep,” Grandpa said. “Did the storm keep you awake last night?”
“Yeah, but I’ll be fine,” Jacob replied. “What can I do to help?”
“You can feed the goats,” Grandpa answered.
When the feeding and milking was done, they both went to gather the eggs. “Hey, Jacob, do you see that chicken?” Grandpa asked.
Jacob looked at the chicken Grandpa was pointing at and gasped. “What happened?” he asked. “That hen is missing a bunch of feathers, and she’s all scraped up and bruised!”
“Last night, this hen’s chicks were bedded down in some tall grass outside,” Grandpa explained. “When the storm came, they were too afraid to move. Now just think, this hen could have gone into the coop and been warm and dry. However, she stayed outside in the bad weather with her wings covering her little ones to protect them. If she hadn’t done that, her chicks wouldn’t have survived!”
Jacob listened wide-eyed. “Wow! She really cares for her chicks, doesn’t she?”
Grandpa nodded. “Did you know that God feels the same way about us? This chicken was willing to die to save her chicks, and God sent His one and only Son to die for us. The Bible even describes God stretching His wings over us, the same way a mother hen protects her chicks.”
“That’s a lot of protection!” said Jacob.
“It sure is! And I’m thankful for every bit of it.” said Grandpa.
“Me too!” Jacob grinned. “Do you know what else I’m thankful for?”
“What’s that?” asked Grandpa.
“Grandma’s cooking. I hope we can have breakfast soon. I’m starving!”
Grandpa laughed. “Me too! Let’s go see if it’s ready.” – Elena Ketner
How about you?
Did you know that God protects His children like a mother hen covering her chicks? Those who trust in Jesus take refuge under His wings. If you belong to Jesus, nothing can ever separate you from Him—no matter what life storms come your way. Jesus was willing to die to save you, and He will never leave you. (Click the blue “Good News!” button in the column above and to the right.)
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