Daily Devotional for March 18, 2022
The Most Important Race

“I signed up for three races at the Apple Blossom Festival,” Kali announced at dinner. “I really want to win one of them!” She had tried before, but hadn’t won anything. I’m sure I’ll do better this year, she thought. I’ve been running all winter.
Kali did do well. In her third event, she came from behind two other girls and won the race! “Well done,” said the mayor as he gave her a blue ribbon and placed a wreath of apple blossoms on her head. Then a local newspaper reporter had the winners all pose for a picture.
But the excitement of the festival didn’t last very long. The next day, the booths were taken down and business went on as usual. As for Kali’s wreath…“Oh!” she wailed. “My wreath is wilted and limp already!” She sighed. “I practiced hard for so long, but I wonder if anybody even remembers I won it.”
“Well, they’ll still see your picture in the paper today,” said her brother Seth. “Besides, you had the fun of winning.”
“Yeah,” said Kali. “But nothing lasts forever.”
“Some things do,” said Dad. “The apostle Paul compares living our lives to running a race, and he talks about winning prizes.” He took a Bible and opened it. “Why don’t you read it for yourself, Kali? Start here.”
Kali read the verses. “Well, Paul says we should run in a way that will help us get the prize, and I did that at the festival. But I guess the wreath I won is the type of crown he talks about that doesn’t last long.”
“That’s right,” Dad said. “Like your wreath, the crowns we earn in this world—things like money, power, or success—don’t last. But the crown Jesus earned for us—eternal life with Him—will last forever.” Dad smiled at Kali. “Paul tells us to keep our eyes on the prize and be diligent as we run the race of life. We need to stay strong in our faith and trust Jesus to use us to help more people know Him.”
“Because there won’t be just one winner like in the race Kali won, right?” asked Seth.
“That’s right,” said Dad. “Everyone who trusts in Jesus will share in His eternal reward.”
-Linda Weddle
How about you?
Have you won a ribbon or a trophy in a contest? Perhaps that award is now hanging on your wall or standing on your bookshelf. It’s exciting to win something, especially if you’ve put a lot of time and effort into it. But don’t forget you’re running another kind of race too. Jesus promises those who trust in Him the greatest reward of all—eternal life! Live in a way that points others to the reward you have in Jesus so they can have it too.
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