Daily Devotional for January 29, 2022
The Missing Piece

“Found it!” Tristan held up a small puzzle piece in triumph.
“Great job!” Grandpa gave Tristan a high five. “We’ve been looking for that piece for weeks now!”
“I can’t believe we’ve almost finished a 50,000-piece puzzle, Grandpa! This had been our hardest one yet.”
Grandpa nodded. “This will be one to glue and keep when we’re finished, for sure.”
In the weeks to follow, the puzzle was nearing completion. “Today’s the day!” Grandpa’s eyes sparkled in excitement when Tristan walked through the door. “We’re going to finish this!”
An hour later, Grandpa and Tristan were searching the corners of the box, the chair cushions, the floor. “Aww, Grandpa, we’ve worked for months and now we have one missing piece? All our work is ruined!” Tristan flopped on the couch with a groan.
Grandpa shook his head. “It is disappointing. But this missing piece reminds me of what I was reading about in my Bible last night. Do you remember what people were required by God to do in Old Testament times when they sinned?”
“Yeah, they had to make animal sacrifices and follow a bunch of rules.”
“Right. But that’s not the way God intended it to stay. Ultimately, all of the good things we do to make up for bad things we’ve done are like dirty rags compared to a God who is perfect. There was a piece missing, just like our missing puzzle piece.” Grandpa winked. “God’s plan was to send His one and only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins and then raise Him from the dead. Romans 10:4 says, ‘Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.’ When we trust in Jesus, He makes us perfect in God’s sight.”
“It’s pretty awesome that everyone who trusts in Jesus will be saved,” Tristan chimed in. “That was the missing piece—it was found in Jesus.” Tristan looked down at the puzzle. “You know, Grandpa, I think we should glue this puzzle and hang it up, even though it has a piece missing. Whenever we look at it, we’ll remember God’s plan was fulfilled in Jesus.”
-Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Is there a piece missing in your heart? In the Old Testament, the rules God’s people had to follow and the sacrifices they had to make when they sinned were meant to point to the missing piece of the puzzle—Jesus. He did what we were unable to do. He lived a perfect life and then made the ultimate sacrifice to save us from sin. Have you trusted Him as your Lord and Savior? (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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