Daily Devotional for December 24, 2021
The Missing Meat

“Hi, Aunt Julie!” exclaimed Victoria when her aunt and uncle arrived for Christmas Eve dinner. “Hi, Uncle Joe.”
“Hi, yourself,” said Uncle Joe as Aunt Julie gave Victoria a hug.
“All day we’ve been so busy wrapping gifts and baking goodies that we were almost late getting here,” Aunt Julie said merrily, heading for the kitchen with a tray of treats. “Christmas is such a busy time, but I love it!”
Uncle Joe winked at Victoria and handed her presents to add to those under the tree. “Your aunt has to have every little detail just right,” he said with a grin.
The dinner table was loaded with delicious food, and after Dad gave thanks, Victoria took helpings from several dishes. “Yum!” she exclaimed after sampling a couple of them. “Now I need a drumstick.” She looked around the table. “I thought we were having turkey this year. Didn’t you put one in the oven, Mom?”
Startled, Mom stared at the table. “Turkey!” she cried. She hurried to the kitchen and returned with a large platter of meat. “The main part of the meal—I don’t know how I could forget it,” Mom said, grinning sheepishly. Victoria giggled.
After they all enjoyed the dinner, Uncle Joe stretched. “Now that was a great meal,” he declared. “I’m glad someone remembered the turkey! It wouldn’t have been the same without it.”
“It would have been a little like Christmas without Christ,” Dad said. “It’s easy to get wrapped up in our Christmas celebrations and yet pay little attention to Jesus or the reason He came—to become one of us so we could be saved. We may have good times at parties or exchanging gifts, but without Jesus, we’re missing the meat.”
Uncle Joe and Aunt Julie looked at each other. “I’m afraid we’re guilty of that sometimes,” Uncle Joe said.
“Yes,” said Aunt Julie. “Like this morning when we were so busy getting ready to come here. But even this wonderful dinner is not the best part of Christmas. Neither are the gifts we’ll soon be opening.” Several heads nodded.
Then they all settled back to listen as Dad read the Christmas story. Victoria smiled as she listened and thought, Jesus really is the best thing about Christmas.
-Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Are you missing the meat—the main part—of Christmas? Have you gotten so involved in gift giving, parties, and other holiday activities that you’ve forgotten all about Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift to the world? No matter how fun those things are, none of them are as amazing as Jesus coming to earth to be your Savior. Don’t miss the very best part of Christmas—the gift of God’s Son, Jesus.
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