Daily Devotional for May 26, 2021
The Mirage

“Can we stop at the mall?” Marlee asked as they drove past it. “I want a new shirt.”
“We don’t have money for that right now, Marlee,” Mom replied. “Besides, you really don’t need a new shirt.”
Marlee sighed. “I wish we were rich and didn’t have to worry about money!”
“Having a lot of money or things doesn’t bring happiness, Marlee,” said Dad.
Her brother, Scott, grinned. “Yeah, didn’t you learn that when you got that new purse you wanted? You were happy for about a week, then you thought you had to have a new pair of earrings.” He pointed out the window. “Look! Did it rain? There’s water on the road up there.”
“That’s a mirage,” said Dad. “It looks like water, but it isn’t. It’s caused by the way light hits the heat rising up from the road.” Scott wasn’t convinced until he realized that something looking like water was always just ahead of them.
“That’s a good example of what happens when we think money will solve our problems,” said Mom. “The mirage up ahead seems to promise water, but there’s never any water at all. And money seems to promise happiness, but it doesn’t produce it.”
“Yeah, Marlee,” said Scott. “If you had a new shirt, you’d want new pants. Then you’d want new shoes, and then you’d probably want a—” He ducked as Marlee aimed a playful swat at him.
“True joy and contentment come from trusting in Jesus and finding our identity in Him,” said Mom. “In the Bible, Jesus refers to Himself as living water. Unlike a mirage, He can truly quench the thirst in our hearts.”
“But it’s not bad for Christians to have nice things, is it?” asked Marlee.
“Of course not,” said Dad. “As long as we don’t look to those things for our worth and happiness.” He smiled. “We should be rich in something though. Do you know what it is?”
“Yeah! A verse we learned at church says we should be rich in good deeds and generous to others,” Scott replied.
“Bravo!” said Dad. “You get a prize.” He tossed a piece of candy back to Scott.
“All right! I love candy!” Scott said, eagerly unwrapping it.
Marlee laughed. “But don’t forget—the happiness it brings you won’t last long!”
-Karen R. Locklear
How about you?
Do you think you’d be happier if you had money to buy something you really want—like a new bike or the latest video game? Almost everyone has had that thought at one time or another. But having lots of money or things will never make you happy for long. Only Jesus can bring lasting joy and true contentment. Trust Him to make you rich in the things that really matter.
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