Daily Devotional for November 15, 2017

The Magnifying Glass

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
The Magnifying Glass

Today's Verse

Psalm 34:1-8; Revelation 4:11 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Psalm 34:3. Oh, magify…magify…” Darcy struggled with her memory verse as she and her older sister walked up the driveway to their grandfather’s house.

“Hi, Grandpa,” said Bryn as they went into the house.

“Hi, kids.” Grandpa folded his newspaper. “I was just reading.”

“What’s that, Grandpa?” Darcy pointed to an object on the coffee table.

“That’s his magnifying glass,” Bryn answered.

“That’s right,” said Grandpa. “These old eyes aren’t as good as they used to be, and that magnifying glass makes the letters look bigger so I can see them. Here.” He motioned for them to come close. “Try it.”

“You know what, Grandpa?” Darcy said after looking through the glass. “I’m learning a Bible verse about a magifying glass.”

Bryn laughed. “The word is ‘mag-ni-fy,’ not ‘mag-i-fy,’” she informed her little sister. “And the verse isn’t about a magnifying glass. It says, ‘Oh, magnify the Lord with me…’” Bryn paused. “Wait, magnifying something means to make it bigger, but we can’t make God bigger!”

Grandpa smiled. “True,” he said, “But when I use this glass to read, the letters seem bigger to my eyes, but they’re not really any bigger than they were before, are they?”

“No,” said Bryn. “But I still don’t see what it means to magnify the Lord.”

“I think one way we magnify God is by focusing on Him and blocking out the things that distract us,” said Grandpa. “Then, in a way, He becomes ‘bigger’—or more important to us. We think more about Him and how we can serve Him. We get to know Him better and understand more about how great He really is and how much He’s done to save us from sin and make us His children.”

“Look!” Darcy held the magnifying glass over a cartoon in the paper. “Look how big this cat’s whiskers are!”

“I think Darcy just pointed out another way we magnify the Lord,” said Grandpa. “She’s the one looking at that cartoon, but even from here we can see some of what she sees. When we magnify the Lord, it helps other people get a glimpse of how great He is too.” – Hazel W. Marett

How about you?

When you think about the greatness of God, what comes to your mind? Do you think about all the wonderful things He’s created? Do you remember all He’s done to save you and recognize Him working in your life? Even in the midst of your busy days, pause to think about how amazing God is. Then tell others so they can understand how great and good He is too.

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