Daily Devotional for January 19, 2022
The Lost Duckling

“Today I want to tell you a story about some ducks that live by my house,” Mr. Peters told his Sunday school class as the kids gathered for their lesson time. Clara eagerly sat down to listen. “Yesterday I was down at my pond and saw a mama duck and her four little ducklings,” Mr. Peters said. “They were all just swimming around enjoying themselves when suddenly the mama duck swam frantically to the edge of the pond. She led her four little ducklings back to their nest and then started desperately searching around. I watched intently, wondering what she was doing. It wasn’t too long before I discovered what she was searching for.”
“What was it?” asked one of the kids.
“She was looking for her lost duckling,” Mr. Peters replied. “She really had five ducklings, not four!”
“Did she find him?” asked Clara anxiously.
Mr. Peters nodded. “He had gotten separated from the others and was alone on the other side of the pond. His mother found him and returned him to the nest, safe and sound.” Clara and the other kids breathed sighs of relief.
“This is a good example of what our Bible lesson is about today,” Mr. Peters continued. “In Luke 15, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep. Clara, would you read it for us?” Everyone opened their Bibles, and Clara began to read.
When she finished reading, Mr. Peters said, “Just like the mama duck on my pond went searching for her lost duckling, the shepherd in Jesus’s story searched for his lost sheep. Jesus told that parable to help us understand that He is our Good Shepherd and that He cares for us in the same way. When we were lost in sin, He came to find us. He became human, died on the cross for our sins, and then rose again so we could be rescued and spend eternity with Him. If you’re lost, trust Jesus as your Savior today.”
As the kids moved on to craft time, Clara couldn’t get the lost duckling from Mr. Peter’s story out of her mind. After class, she went up to her teacher. “Mr. Peters? I…I don’t want to be lost anymore. I want to trust in Jesus and be found.”
-Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Are you lost? If you haven’t trusted Jesus as your Savior, you are like the lost duckling from today’s story needing to be rescued. Our sin has separated us from God, so Jesus came to find us and save us. He is searching for you. Trust in Him today and you will have a home with Him for all eternity.
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