Daily Devotional for August 11, 2017
The Log Bridge

On the first morning of their family camping trip, Cara and her older brother, Eric, went to explore the creek next to their campsite. After walking upstream for a while, they found a narrow spot in the creek and jumped over it. They worked their way back toward camp on the opposite side of the stream.
They were having a great time tossing sticks into the current when they heard Mom calling them to come back to the campsite for lunch. “Let’s go,” said Eric. “I’m hungry.”
Cara looked at the stream of water in front of her. “We can’t get over the creek here. It’s too wide, and the water’s too deep!” She looked back in the direction of the place where they had crossed the creek. “We’ll have to walk all the way back there.”
As Eric gazed around, he spied a large log that had fallen across the water a little farther downstream. “We can get across on this,” he said, running over to it and jumping on the end to test its strength. “It’ll hold us, no problem.”
Cara hesitated. “I’m afraid I’ll fall in,” she said.
“Here, I’ll help you.” Eric stepped out farther on the log and edged along it. He reached for Cara’s outstretched hand. Then he carefully led her across.
Soon they were back at camp, munching on hot dogs and potato chips and telling their parents about their adventures. “When Mom called, we were on the other side of the creek,” said Cara, “but Eric found a log that worked like a bridge. I was too scared to try it by myself, but he helped me across.”
“That’s a lot like what Pastor Phillips talked about at church last week,” said Dad. “Do you remember what he said?”
“I know,” said Eric. “He said sin is like a wide gulf between us and God, and that God sent His Son, Jesus, to be the bridge so we can be with Him.”
Dad nodded. “There’s more than one way to get across a creek,” he said, “but there’s only one way we can come to God and be part of His family. It’s by trusting in Jesus. He is the one and only bridge that reaches across the gulf of sin.” – Judith K. Boogaart
How about you?
Have you come to God through Jesus? First, you need to recognize that you are a sinner and can’t get to heaven on your own. Your sin separates you from a holy God. Going to church, helping the poor, having Christian parents, being kind—these are all good things, but they they can’t reach across the gulf of sin. You must trust in Jesus. (See “The ABCs of Salvation” on the right column of this page..)
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