Daily Devotional for September 21, 2020
The Loaded Branch

Camden wandered out to the orchard where his dad was picking apples. “How was your day?” Dad asked.
Camden scowled. “Awful!”
“Define awful,” said Dad.
“I let Sawyer play a game on my tablet after school today, and he dropped it and cracked the screen,” said Camden. “He’s such a klutz!” Angrily, Camden kicked a large rock. “Ow!” he yelled. “My toe!”
“Calm down,” said Dad as he put more apples into the basket. “Do you remember what the Bible says about forgiveness?”
Camden’s conscience pricked him. “Yeah, but I don’t feel like forgiving him yet.” He reached for a plump, red apple. “Wow, this tree is loaded!” he said. “This branch almost touches the ground.”
Dad and Camden picked steadily. “Check this out, Dad,” Camden said after a while. “This branch was almost touching the ground before we picked the apples, but now it’s about a foot higher.”
Dad nodded. “And you know what?” he said. “People can be a lot like that branch. We get weighed down with grudges we carry. Jesus wants to take away our heavy burdens, but we sometimes don’t want to let go and instead cling stubbornly to them, and our hearts become bitter.”
Camden eyed his dad suspiciously. “You mean me, don’t you? You’re saying a cracked screen isn’t worth carrying a grudge.” He frowned. “But it still makes me mad!”
“It isn’t easy to forgive others,” said Dad. “That’s why we need to ask Jesus to help us. After all, He’s an expert at forgiveness. Think of the mess we’d be in if He wouldn’t forgive our sins. But He has—and He commands us to do the same for others.”
“I know, but…” Camden frowned. “I’m still not sure I can forgive Sawyer.”
“Pray about it,” Dad answered. “And when you think about the tablet, remember that you’ve done things yourself you’ve had to ask forgiveness for. For example—didn’t your mom and I make a rule about not letting your friends use your tablet when we bought it for you?”
“Oh.” Camden blushed. “Um, yeah. I—I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you!” Dad beamed and picked another apple from the branch. “What do you know,” he said. “My heart feels lighter already.” • Carol Zileske
How about you?
Do you forgive others when they wrong you? What if someone breaks one of your things? Or a friend doesn’t come through when you need them? Don’t let your heart get weighed down with grudges. Jesus has forgiven you for your sins, and He will help you forgive others. Let go of your anger and bitterness and trust Him to fill your heart with love.
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