Daily Devotional for May 14, 2020
The Lifeguard of our Lives

“Yay! I get to play in the pool,” Robby exclaimed on his way to swim lessons.
“I’m glad you’re excited about learning to swim,” said Dad.
As they walked to the pool, Robby saw his teachers at the deep end. One of them did a graceful jump into the water.
“Look what Jessica just did! It’s like she has no fear of the water,” said Robby. As he approached his classmates, the second instructor, Rick, told them they would be learning how to swim in the deep water. Robby stood motionless as his classmates eagerly went to the far end of the pool.
“You okay, kiddo?” asked Rick, wrapping his arm around Robby’s shoulder.
“I’ve never swam in the deep section before,” said Robby.
“That’s why you’re here to learn how to swim. We won’t let anything happen to you,” said Rick.
Robby looked to his dad for more reassurance.
“Remember Isaiah 43:2,” Dad told him. “‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…they will not sweep over you.’ That verse is a reminder that because Jesus has saved us, we don’t have to be afraid when we face scary situations. Trust Him to help you. And trust the lifeguards too.”
One by one, Robby’s classmates jumped into the water. When Robby’s turn came, fear overcame him again.
“You can do it Robby!” his dad encouraged him.
Robby closed his eyes and jumped. As he hit the water, he thought he would sink. But Rick brought him up and told him to float on his back. Robby trusted Rick to keep him above water, and he was able to do a back float.
“Did you see me, Dad?” Robby asked afterward.
Dad nodded. “I’m proud of you, Robby. You trusted Rick in the pool, and you trusted Jesus to help you not be afraid.”
“Rick is a lifeguard, so I knew he wouldn’t let me sink,” Robby said.
“And Jesus is a lifeguard too,” said Dad. “He’s the lifeguard of our lives. Even when we face scary things, we know He will be with us and hold us up.”
Robby grinned and nodded. “I can’t wait to learn more next week!”
How about you?
Have you ever been afraid of something? Maybe you’ve been scared to go in the deep end of the pool during swimming lessons, or you’ve had to move to a new place where you don’t know anyone. When you face a scary situation, remember that Jesus is always with those who belong to Him. If you know Him as your Savior, He will never leave you. You don’t have to be afraid.
Today's Verse
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