Daily Devotional for June 1, 2017
The Lemon Tree

Devon was walking home when he turned to his brother James and said, “I am never going back to school again!”
“Calm down. What’s wrong?” asked James.
“The kids at this school don’t like me,” said Devon. “I want to move back to our old school.”
“I’ve met some new friends. Give it some time,” said James. “Besides, you know that we can’t go back to our old school. Mom’s new job is here.”
When Devon and James walked up to the house, Dad looked up from the plant he was potting. “How was your day, boys?” he asked. Devon didn’t reply, but James spoke up. “Devon hates our new school.”
“Oh?” said Dad. “What’s wrong with your new school, Devon?”
“Well, I like my teacher and everything. It’s just that I don’t have any friends and I can’t figure out how to fit in here.”
Dad looked back down at the plant he was working on for a moment.
“Dad, what kind of plant is that?” asked James. “I’ve never seen one before.”
“It’s a lemon tree,” said Dad.
“A lemon tree!” both boys said at the same time.
“Yes,” Dad said. “We couldn’t grow a lemon tree outdoors back east because it needed a much warmer climate to bloom. But here in the desert we can plant a lemon tree in our yard.” Dad paused to pat the dirt around the trunk of the tree. “You know boys, this tree would have a much different life back east than it does in the climate here.”
“Yeah,” said James. “It wouldn’t bloom back there.”
“Right,” said Dad. “But here it will.” Dad turned to Devon. “Perhaps this is the best place for you to bloom too, Devon. I know that moving can be hard, but this is where God has planted us. And just like growing a lemon tree takes time, it might take you some time to start blooming too. Don’t give up trying to fit in and make new friends. God has given you a lot of unique and wonderful qualities, and I’m sure other kids will start to see them soon. Trust Him to help you bloom where He’s planted you.” – Jaime Lewis
How about you?
Have you gone through a difficult transition lately? Perhaps you’ve had to move to a different place or change schools, and you’re not sure how you fit in yet. That’s okay—it takes time to get used to a new place and learn how you fit in. Remember that God has put you where He has for a reason, and He will help you bloom and grow.
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