Daily Devotional for March 5, 2018
The Law of Space

Zayden leaned back and sighed. He couldn’t concentrate on his homework. He’d been worrying about next week’s science test all day, and then he’d overheard someone tell a bad joke and couldn’t get it out of his head. When the worries and bad thoughts just wouldn’t stop, he finally decided to talk to Dad about it.
“I’m so sorry you’ve been going through that, buddy,” said Dad. “Sometimes the bad things we see and hear or our own fears and worries can put bad thoughts in our minds that are hard to get rid of.”
Zayden sighed. “So what can I do about it?”
“Have you heard of the law of space?” asked Dad.
“Yeah,” Zayden said. “No two things can occupy the same space at the same time. We learned that in science class, but it’s also just common sense.” He pointed to a book. “Like that book. Nothing else can be in that space on the table unless the book is moved.”
“Right,” said Dad. “Well, it’s the same with your mind. When it’s filled with good things, there’s no space for heavy worries or bad thoughts.”
“But how do I fill it with good things?” Zayden asked.
“By staying focused on Jesus and remembering all He’s done for you,” Dad replied. “When you trusted Him as your Savior, you received the Holy Spirit, and He gives you the ability to overcome evil. As soon as you feel heavy with worry or a bad thought comes to your mind, ask Jesus to cleanse your mind and help you replace those thoughts with thoughts of things that are good and true—like how He freed you from sin and promises to take care of you in every situation. Give your thoughts over to Him.”
“Okay,” Zayden said, “but what if I still worry or can’t stop thinking about something bad?”
“Well, it also helps to look for ways to show His love to others and serve them,” Dad said. “Focusing on others helps you think more about them and less about whatever it is that’s bothering you.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Zayden said. “I can already feel the space in my mind being filled with good things—and I feel better about my science test too!” –
Agnes Livezey
How about you?
Do you have trouble controlling your thoughts? Are you constantly worrying about problems or thinking about something you saw or heard that you know doesn’t please God? Give your thoughts over to Jesus. He gives you power through the Holy Spirit to replace bad thoughts with good ones. When you’re struggling with your thoughts, focus your mind on Him.
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