Daily Devotional for October 3, 2021
The Keeper

“I love watching all the animals,” Faith said when her class took a field trip to the zoo. “But the penguins are my favorite! They look so cute waddling around on land. And it’s even more fun to watch them swim. They look like they’re flying underwater!”
“Yeah, but it’s awfully cold in here. Brrrr!” exclaimed one of the kids.
The guide showing them around explained that the penguin room was kept cold so the birds would be comfortable. “Otherwise, the penguins could get sick and possibly die from the change of climate,” he said. Faith listened as he talked about a number of other special things that were done to keep the penguins healthy.
That evening, Dad read Psalm 121 at the dinner table. “Do these verses remind you of the penguins?” he asked Faith. “You told us the zookeepers take special care of them.”
Faith nodded. “Yes. They make sure the penguins’ room is cold enough and that they get certain foods—and even special lights! They know how to keep the conditions just right so the penguins won’t get sick.”
Dad smiled. “This Psalm reminds me that God does the same thing for us.”
“You mean He makes sure the weather doesn’t get too hot or too cold?” asked Faith’s little sister, Ellie.
“Well, it doesn’t say the weather won’t ever get hotter or colder than we’d like—or even that there won’t be dangerous weather sometimes, like tornadoes or hurricanes,” said Dad. “But God is in control of our environment, and He’s watching over us even when bad things happen.”
“So we have a keeper, just like the penguins do,” said Ellie. “One of the verses in the psalm you read says God is our keeper, doesn’t it?”
“It does,” said Dad. “He provides for every one of our needs, including our greatest need of all—salvation from sin. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us so our wrongs could be forgiven and we could have eternal life with Him. We can always trust Him to take care of us, even when bad things happen.”
“Yeah,” said Faith. Her eyes twinkled. “Hey, Dad, I think we should visit the penguins a lot so I’ll remember that!”
-Deborah S. Marett
How about you?
Did you know that God is your keeper? He’s the one who takes care of you. He provides the air you breathe and the food and water you need to survive. He also provides for your spiritual needs. He sent Jesus to save you so you could live with Him forever, and He fills you with His peace, hope, and love. Even when bad things happen, He’s there watching over you. Thank Him for being your keeper.
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