Daily Devotional for November 18, 2021
The Hitchhiker

“Oh no!” exclaimed Dad as he turned the car into the driveway. “I ordered some firewood to be delivered, but look where they stacked it! I told them to put it on the patio.” He shook his head. “Looks like you get to move the wood, Jeremiah.”
“Why me?” demanded Jeremiah with a scowl. “Why do I get all the dirty jobs around here?”
“We all have jobs to do,” said Dad. “Mom has to work late, and I have to cook dinner. That leaves you and Ainsley—and I don’t think she can move all that wood.” He grinned at his small daughter.
“Can too!” said four-year-old Ainsley. And later, as Jeremiah got out his wagon and began to load it with wood, she announced, “I’m gonna help you.”
“Great,” answered Jeremiah sarcastically. He was surprised when she managed to add several pieces to his wagonload.
“Wow! This is heavy!” Jeremiah said as he started off with a load a little later.
Ainsley quickly scooted behind the wagon, put her small hands out, and started pushing. “See, Jeremiah?” she said. “I can help.”
“Yeah,” agreed Jeremiah reluctantly. “That does help.” They worked together, moving several loads of wood.
“Feels like that wood is gaining weight,” Jeremiah complained after they’d been working a while.
Dad looked up from picking herbs in the garden and grinned. “You have a hitchhiker!” he said.
When Jeremiah turned around, he saw Ainsley sitting on top of the wood. “You get off right now, Ainsley!” he ordered.
Dad laughed. “That’s a good example of how much easier things are when everyone does their fair share,” he said as he helped Ainsley get down. “When someone sits down on the job, it’s harder for everyone else.”
Grinning at his sister, Jeremiah nodded. “Ainsley may be little, but when she was helping instead of riding, it made the work a lot easier.”
“Every member of our family can help out in their own way,” said Dad. “That’s true for God’s family too. The church is His family of believers, and it’s our job to tell people about Jesus and show them His love here on earth. And each member of the church is needed—we all need to work together to complete the task God has given us.”
-Barbara J. Westberg
How about you?
Do you help out at home? Or do you feel like you’re too young to do much? You may not be able to help with everything, but you can help with something. The work you do is important—both at home and at church. What can you do to help God’s family? Pass out bulletins? Help clean up after Sunday school? Whatever it is, you can help with the important work Jesus has given His church to do.
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