Daily Devotional for July 1, 2018
The Hidden Eagle

“What are you making, Grandpa?” Elena asked, walking over to the porch swing where her grandfather was shaving slivers from a small block of wood.
Grandpa held it up to show her. “There’s an eagle trapped in this wood, and I’m setting it free,” he said.
Elena looked closely at the block in his hands and then up at Grandpa. “I don’t see anything in there.”
Grandpa smiled. “Oh, it’s there all right.” He turned the wood block in his hand. “I’ll show it to you later this evening.”
When they all sat down to dinner that evening, Grandpa placed a newly carved eagle beside Elena’s plate. “There you are, young lady,” he said with a wink. “There’s the eagle I set free from the wood.”
Elena’s eyes grew wide with amazement. “Wow!” she said. “It’s so pretty!”
“I want you to have it,” Grandpa said, “and whenever you look at it, I want you to remember how Jesus has done the same with you.”
“Jesus made me like this eagle?” Elena asked.
Grandpa nodded. “You couldn’t see the eagle in the block of wood this morning, but I could,” said Grandpa. “I freed it from the wood and carved it into a special creation. It doesn’t look like an old block of wood anymore, does it?”
“No,” Elena said, picking up the sculpture. “Now it’s a beautiful eagle!”
“Right,” said Grandpa. “And that’s what Jesus does for us. Because He set us free from sin, we’re no longer ugly blocks of wood but new, beautiful creations. But sometimes we lose sight of that when we face difficult circumstances or make bad choices. That’s why I made you this eagle—to help you remember that you’re a beautiful sculpture in Jesus’ hands. Because He’s saved you and has made you a new creation, you can trust Him to be with you and guide you in His plan for your life.”
Elena looked at the eagle again. “Thank you, Grandpa,” she said. “I will!” – Richard S. Maffeo
How about you?
Did you know that if you trust in Jesus, you’re like a beautiful eagle carved out of wood? You’re no longer stuck in a block of sin—He’s set you free and has made you into something new. The Bible compares God to an artist—a potter—molding you into something beautiful. Trust Him to be with you and guide you as you live your life as a new creation.
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