Daily Devotional for October 26, 2019
The Good Samaritan

“Greta,” said Dad, “will you run these to the mailbox down the street?” He handed Greta a thick stack of envelopes.
“Sure thing,” said Greta. She got out her bike and took off down the road. “Whoa!” she yelled as she hit a large bump—and then, “Oh no!” as the envelopes slipped from her hand and flew everywhere.
Greta got off her bike and stood in the road with envelopes scattered all around her. To make it worse, as she began to pick them up, a girl on the sidewalk stopped and stared at her. Then a friend joined her, and the two girls whispered and giggled as they watched Greta pick up the envelopes. Greta felt her face flush when one of them took a picture with her phone. I wish I could get all these envelopes picked up quicker, she thought, but it’s so windy! Often an envelope blew away just as Greta reached for it, making the two girls laugh even harder.
Then a third girl came along. When she saw Greta scurrying to pick up the envelopes, she stopped. “Hi, I’m Scarlet,” the girl said as she picked up several envelopes. “Do you need help carrying these the rest of the way? I know how hard it is to carry stuff on a bike.”
“That would be great!” said Greta. They picked up the last of the envelopes and then pedaled off, leaving the giggling girls behind.
When Greta got home, she told her family what had happened and about her new friend Scarlet. Her sister grinned. “It sounds like you met a Good Samaritan.”
“Hey, you’re right,” said Greta. “In the story Jesus told about the man who was hurt, the Samaritan was the only one who stopped to help him. I wasn’t hurt, but I did need help, and Scarlet was the only one who stopped to help me.”
“Scarlet does sound like the Good Samaritan,” said Dad. “She responded to your need in a loving way instead of ignoring you or making fun of you. She showed you the love of Jesus.”
“Yeah,” said Greta. “She was a good Samaritan. I think we’re going to be good friends!” Linda M. Weddle
How about you?
Do you offer help to people in need? The man Jesus talked about in today’s Bible reading is called the Good Samaritan. He went out of his way to help someone in trouble. That’s the kind of love Jesus showed us on the cross and wants us to show others. When you see someone struggling, help them. If someone needs more help than you can give, ask a trusted adult what can be done. Stop and show others the love of Jesus.
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