Daily Devotional for July 9, 2018
The Good Leader

Nick sighed happily at the sound of a mountain stream trickling nearby. “I sure love hiking!” he said.
“Me too!” said his twin sister, Nicole. “It’s so pretty out here today!”
“Yeah,” said Nick. “I’m so glad school is over for the summer so we can do this again!”
“Hey, you two, don’t get too far ahead!” Dad called from farther down the mountain. The twins decided to rest and wait for their parents.
“Hey, look at that,” Nicole said, pointing to a nearby tree branch.
“What’s going on up here?” Mom asked as she and Dad came up the path and sat down on a log.
“There’s a trail of ants walking on that branch,” said Nick.
Nicole squinted to get a better look. “Why are they all following that ant in front? Why don’t they just walk wherever they want to?”
“They’re following the leader,” Dad explained. “If they didn’t follow the ant that’s leading them, they would fall off the branch. He’s probably leading them to some food he discovered.” He thought for a moment. “We’re a lot like ants.”
Nick and Nicole looked at each other, confused. “Like when we play follow the leader?” Nick asked.
“Not just then,” said Dad. “All the time! Just look at these ants. They’re all trusting their leader to guide them safely, and they go wherever he goes. We need to make sure we’re following our leader with the same trust and obedience.”
“You’re talking about Jesus, aren’t you?” Nicole asked.
“That’s right! Because Jesus saved us and we trust in Him, He’s our leader. We need to follow and obey Him in everything we do. At times we’ll be tempted to follow people or things that will lead us away from God and what He wants for us. Only Jesus knows the right path for our lives.”
“I don’t want to follow the wrong crowd,” Nick said.
“Me neither,” said Nicole. “I want to follow Jesus!”
Mom beamed. “I’m very glad to hear you say that.” She started to get up. “Let’s finish this hike so we can get some food of our own.”
“I know the way to the top,” Nick said, running to the path. “Follow me!”
Nicole laughed. “Okay, but only because I know you follow Jesus!” –
Elena Ketner
How about you?
Do you follow Jesus? Do you trust Him as your Savior and obey Him? It may seem hard to follow Him when you’re tempted to chase after what the world has to offer or what other people think of you, but Jesus is a good leader who loves you and will lead you on the right path. He will help you and guide you the way He wants you to go. Stand firm and trust in Him!
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