Daily Devotional for March 13, 2018
The Good Fruit Tree (Part 2)

Grandfather turned the ignition key, and the truck roared to life. “Let’s get home and plant this apple tree, Timmy. Will you help me care for it? We’ll plant it, water it, and protect it so it produces good fruit.”
“Sounds like a lot of work.” Timmy grinned. “And fun!” He gave his grandfather a thumbs-up.
After getting some supplies from the shed, Grandfather drove out to the orchard. “First, we prepare the hole,” he said. “It needs to be wider and deeper than the root ball. Next, we mix the compost with the soil.” When everything was ready, Grandfather lifted the apple tree from the truck bed and eased it into the hole.
“Good, Timmy. A little more soil—now tamp it gently. Easy with the water.” When the tree was in the hole, Grandfather gave Timmy a high five. “Great job!”
They patted down the soil around the tree. “You know, Timmy, this tree couldn’t have done all this by itself, could it? We had to buy it at the nursery, plant it, and water it to make it grow.” Timmy nodded. “That’s a lot like what Jesus has done for me,” Grandfather said. “He bought me by paying for my sin, planted me in His orchard, and makes me grow.”
“But why did He have to pay for your sin?” Timmy asked. “You’re not a bad person.”
Grandfather smiled. “Timmy, the Bible says all have sinned. Each one of us has done wrong and needs a Savior. That’s why Jesus died on the cross—he paid for our sin because He loves us.”
Timmy toed the fresh dirt surrounding the apple tree. “Does Jesus love me?”
“Absolutely,” said Grandfather. “When you invite Him into your life, you become His child—a tree in His orchard. He’s the Master Gardener who cares for you and grows fruit in your life.”
Timmy’s brow furrowed. “Grandfather? I want to be a tree in His orchard. Will you help me?”
Grandfather removed his straw hat, knelt beside Timmy, and put his arm around him.
“Jesus,” he prayed. “Timmy wants to become one of your trees. I bring him to You now.” – Marjorie Hill
How about you?
Are you a tree in Jesus’ orchard? He died on the cross to pay for your sins so you can belong to Him. He plants and takes care of His trees, and they bear good fruit the whole world can enjoy. If you’re not a tree in His orchard, you can become one today by trusting in Him as your Savior. (See “Have You Heard the Good News?” on page 108.)
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