Daily Devotional for January 11, 2017
The Good Father

“Matthew, when you’ve finished raking the leaves, come to the shed.” Matthew’s father pushed a wheelbarrow around the back of the house.
Uh-oh, what did Dad want now? The last time he called him to the shed, he asked him to pick up sticks that had fallen from the windstorm. Maybe he was going to give him more chores to do.
Matthew bagged up the last of the leaves and stared at the little shed behind the house. He didn’t want to go back there. Maybe Dad was mad at him. Did Mom tell him about the glass serving bowl he broke yesterday?
Dragging the rake behind him, Matthew slowly headed for the shed. If Dad knew about the glass bowl, he really didn’t want go in there.
But before he could think about it a minute longer, Dad called to him. “Matthew, is that you?”
Here goes. He dropped the rake outside the door and stepped into the shed.
To his surprise, a brown and white puppy with long ears greeted him by wagging his tail and jumping up and down.
“The Kleins’ dog had puppies. I thought it was time you had a pet of your own.”
With a great big smile stretched across his face, Matthew dropped to his knees and scratched behind the little dog’s ears.
“Wow, Dad. You’re the best! I thought you were angry or you were going to give me more chores to do.”
His father grinned. “Matthew, you’re my son and I love you. That’s why I enjoy giving you gifts.”
“You do?”
“Yes, I do.” Matthew’s father knelt down and stroked the puppy’s back. “It’s just like our Father in heaven.”
“What do you mean?” Matthew asked.
“A lot of people are afraid of God. They think He wants to punish them or stop them from having fun. But the truth is that God loves to give His children good gifts. And He gives much better gifts than I do.”
Matthew smiled as he rubbed under the puppy’s chin. “If that’s true, then I can’t wait to get His gifts!”
“You’ve already gotten His best gift of all,” said Dad. “Salvation through His Son, Jesus.” – Annika Klanderud
How about you?
How do you view God? As a loving Father who loves to give you gifts? The Bible says God loves His children and gives them good gifts. He even gave His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for our sin so we could receive eternal life. By trusting in Jesus, you receive the best gift of all! (See the ABCs of Salvation in the column to the right.)
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