Daily Devotional for December 19, 2018
The Glassblower

“Do you think you would have liked to live here more than a hundred years ago?” asked Kiri’s teacher as the class looked around the restored historical town they were visiting.
Kiri laughed. “No, but it’s interesting.” She pointed to glass items on a shelf. “Those are pretty. I wonder how they made them.”
Miss Graham smiled. “They were done by a glassblower, and we’re going to watch a glassblowing demonstration.” She motioned down a hallway. “Come and see.”
The children went to the demonstration area and gathered around Mr. Seltzer, the glassblower. They listened carefully as he explained what he was doing. “We heat the glass to almost 2000 degrees Fahrenheit,” he said. “Then I get a glob of this molten material on the end of my blowpipe and blow into it.” He showed them how he shaped the glass. “The only time I can change the shape of the glass is when it’s very hot. After it cools down, it can’t be molded or shaped anymore unless it’s reheated.” He heated the glass again and showed them how he could once more change its shape.
That evening, Kiri told her family about the trip and what she had learned about glassblowing. “Mr. Seltzer said the glass has to be hot in order to shape it,” she said.
“Interesting,” said Dad. “Does it make you think of what Pastor Bock said at church last week?”
Kiri hesitated. “Not really,” she replied.
“He talked about how our hearts were cold before we knew Jesus. We were dead in sin and stuck in our selfish ways. But when we trusted in Jesus, He made our hearts warm so the Holy Spirit could mold us to be more like Him. He fills our hearts with love and shapes our lives so we can serve Him and show others who He is.”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “He makes us into beautiful vessels that point others to Him—just like the pretty glass items you saw in the shop made you want to see the glassblower.”
Dad nodded. “Let’s thank Jesus for warming our hearts and trust Him to shape us into the people He wants us to be.” – A. W. Smith
How about you?
Has Jesus warmed your heart? If you trust in Him, He’s changed your globby heart into a beautiful piece of glass and is shaping you to be more like Him. He’s teaching you to show His love to others and to trust Him in every situation. Thank Him for breathing life into you, and trust Him to mold you into the person He wants you to be.
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