Daily Devotional for June 3, 2022
The Fawn

“Molly, come quietly and look out the window,” Mom called.
Out the dining room window, Molly and her mom watched as a mother deer placed her fawn in some tall grass. “The fawn will stay there all day until his mother comes to get him this evening,” Mom said.
“He looks so sweet! Can we go out and see him?” asked Molly.
Mom shook her head. “We need to stay away so the mama deer won’t be afraid to come back.”
Molly peeked out the window several times during the day, checking on the
fawn. Finally, around dusk, she saw the mother deer walking into the woods with her baby.
When Molly went to bed, she thought about the fawn and how safe and secure he seemed. He didn’t seem scared or worried. He trusted his mama and knew she would be back for him. I wish I could be that brave, Molly thought, glancing over at her nightlight. But I’m afraid of a lot of things—especially the dark.
Each morning when Molly got up, she would check for the fawn and his mother, but they didn’t come back. Molly was a little disappointed she didn’t see the fawn anymore, but she was glad he was now big enough to look for food with his mother.
At dinner one night, Molly mentioned how brave the fawn had seemed. “I wish I could be that brave too,” she said. “But I’m just so afraid of the dark.”
“You know, Molly,” said Mom, “Jesus tells us in the Bible that God knows and cares when a small sparrow falls to the ground. He then says, ‘So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.’ God is our heavenly Father who loves us and cares for us, and He wants us to trust Him, just like the little fawn trusted his mom. Even when scary things happen, He is with us. Let’s pray and thank God that we can trust Him when we feel afraid.” Molly nodded and bowed her head.
When she turned out the lights that night, Molly remembered her heavenly Father was taking care of her, just like the mama deer looked after her fawn. She didn’t need to be afraid.
-Lisa Fuller
How about you?
When was the last time you were afraid? What did you do? Psalm 56:3 reminds us to put our trust in God when we feel afraid. Isaiah 26:4 tells us that God is our eternal Rock—trustworthy, unchanging, faithful, powerful, and always present. So the next time you feel afraid, remember to trust in the eternal Rock and rest in His peace and protection.
Today's Verse
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the Eternal Rock. (NLT) Isaiah 26:3-4 NKJV
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