Daily Devotional for June 25, 2023

The Fallen Tree

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
The Fallen Tree

Today's Verse

Psalm 1; Ephesians 3:16-19 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Why do we have to go to church every Sunday?” Paige grumbled. Her glum face pressed against the car window, and her grouchy mood reflected the dismal, gray weather. “On a stormy day like this I’d rather be sleeping in.”

“I like Sunday school! Don’t you want to learn about God, Paige?” her younger brother Eric asked. A twinge of guilt pricked Paige’s conscience, but she ignored her brother.

“Wow! Look at that tree!” Dad pointed to a large tree that lay uprooted along the roadside.

“That was a strong wind we had last night,” Mom said. “It ripped that tree right out of the ground.”

“It couldn’t survive the wind because it had shallow roots,” Dad added.

“Another good reason to stay home today,” Paige muttered. “It’s safer.”

“But I want to go to Sunday school!” said Eric.

“Paige, did you know one of the psalms compares a person to a tree?” asked Dad. When Paige shook her head, Dad said, “Psalm 1 says a wise and righteous person is like a healthy, well-watered tree. Such people are like deeply rooted trees that are nourished by the soil and water. The truth of God’s Word is a delight to them, and they’re nourished by it day and night. A good tree produces fruit and doesn’t wither. It prospers as God intended. I’m sure that kind of tree could withstand powerful winds.”

“Life is full of storms,” Mom mused. “Storms of temptations, storms of lies, grief, pain, and difficulties will blow against us. If our lives are rooted deeply in God’s truth and the promise of eternal life we have in Jesus, we’ll be able to stand firm against the storms. If not, we will fall, just like that tree.”

“Is Paige a tree?” Eric asked.

Paige smiled a bit. “No, Eric, I’m not a tree. If I were, I would probably fall in the storms,” she admitted. As Dad drove into the church parking lot, Paige said, “I’ll get some watering today to help my roots go deeper in Jesus—and I’m sorry I was so grouchy.”

Dad smiled. “I think I’m beginning to see some fruit already.”

-Judith K. Boogaart

How about you?

Do you sometimes feel like skipping church? Do you neglect reading the Bible or memorizing verses? Your life needs to be watered with the truth of God’s Word at church and in your own quiet time. Jesus wants to help you become deeply rooted in His love and promises, and He does that by helping you understand the truth of the Bible. Trust Him to help you grow deep roots so you can stand firm in the storms of life.

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