Daily Devotional for August 10, 2022
The Fall

“I don’t think Anna is a Christian,” Hunter said as he and his sister Sabrina rode their bikes up the driveway. “In fact, I’m sure she’s not. She lied to me!”
Mom looked up from her flower garden. “Whoa!” she said. “I heard that. Don’t you think you’re making an awfully hasty judgment?”
“Well, it’s not like this is the first time she lied,” said Sabrina.
“Yeah,” said Hunter. “She’s done it lots of times before!” He and Sabrina started back down the driveway before Mom could reply.
A moment later, Hunter’s howl pierced the air as he skidded on loose gravel, lost control of his bike, and fell. “My elbow,” he groaned. “It hurts so bad.”
“I’m sure it does,” said Mom, who had rushed over to help. “It’s all skinned. Come inside and we’ll fix it up.”
When Hunter and Mom went back outside a little later, Hunter got ready to ride his bike again. “Wait a minute,” said Mom, taking hold of the handlebars. “You’re not going to try to ride your bike again, are you?”
“Sure,” Hunter replied. “Why not?”
“But you fell!” said Mom. “Wait until Dad gets home. He’ll put the training wheels back on for you.”
“Mom!” Hunter was indignant.
“Just because he fell doesn’t mean he can’t ride!” said Sabrina.
“Really?” Mom asked thoughtfully. “You mean slipping and falling with your bike doesn’t mean you’re not really a bike rider?” She smiled at the kids. “Well, guess what? Slipping and falling in your Christian life doesn’t mean you’re not really a Christian either.”
“You’re talking about Anna, aren’t you?” Sabrina said.
Hunter seemed unsure of what to say. “I guess you’re right,” he admitted after a few moments.
“We all sin and fail to do what’s right sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we’re no longer Christians,” said Mom. “Jesus forgives us. Failing in your Christian life means you need to confess what you’ve done and trust Him to help you not repeat it, but we need to be careful not to judge people. Instead, we should pray for them and help them make good choices.”
The kids nodded. “I’m sorry I judged Anna,” said Hunter. “I know Jesus will forgive her for lying, and I’ll forgive her too!”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Have you been disappointed by the actions of someone who says they’re a Christian? Don’t judge the heart of a person who slips and falls into sin. We all fall in our walk with Jesus sometimes, but He always forgives us and picks us up again. Pray for that person instead, and leave the judgment to God. Let them know that God stands ready to forgive and that you’ll forgive them too.
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