Daily Devotional for August 31, 2023
The Dynamite Blast

Lucy didn’t feel like going on the class field trip to the rock quarry. She just wanted Ginger, her lost cat, to come home and her dad to get his job back. I just want everything to be okay again, she thought as she got off the bus with the rest of the kids.
The quarry foreman handed out hard hats to everyone. “We’re going to have a dynamite blast today to loosen and break the stone in the quarry,” he said, motioning to the other side of a large pit. A loud horn blared. “After the horn blasts three times, cover your ears!” the foreman called out. The horn sounded two more times, and then—BOOM! A loud explosion sent dust and rocks flying. Once the all-clear horn sounded, the foreman let the kids move closer so they could see what had happened. “Don’t worry, kids. They’ve got it all under control,” he said, pointing to the workers who controlled the operation and set off the blasts.
When Lucy got home, she picked up one of Ginger’s cat toys as she told her mom about the quarry trip. “Sometimes I feel like everything’s being blown apart here at home too,” said Lucy.
“I know, honey. When bad things happen it can feel like our whole world is being blown to pieces. Maybe that’s when we should remember the workers at the quarry.”
“The workers?” asked Lucy. “Why them?”
“They made sure the blasts were safe and controlled, right?” asked Mom. Lucy nodded. “They remind us that someone is in control of our lives too—God. Nothing can happen to us unless He allows it, and He promises to be with us and see us through whatever experiences we face.”
“But why does He let bad things happen—like Ginger getting lost and Dad losing his job?” asked Lucy.
“Well, there’s no easy answer to that, but remember the workers need the explosions in the quarry to loosen the stone, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get it out. Perhaps God allows explosions in our lives at times to loosen our hearts and get good things out—things like growing in our relationship with Jesus and showing His love to others who are going through hard times.”
-Nance E. Keyes
How about you?
Have you had difficult things happen to you recently? It’s okay to feel sad about it, but remember that God is in complete control. Jesus understands how you feel because He suffered too, and He’ll be with you through whatever hard situations you have to face. Trust Him to bring good things into your life out of difficulties and to use them to make you more like Him.
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