Daily Devotional for October 5, 2021
The Droopy Plant

Laurel looked at the planter hanging from the porch ceiling. “What’s the matter with your plant, Mom?”
“My plant?” Mom turned to look at it. “Wow! It doesn’t look very happy! I’ve been so busy with work lately that I forgot to water it! I’ll do it right now.”
The next day, Laurel noticed the plant looked healthy again. Its leaves were no longer droopy. “Mom, look at your plant now.”
Mom nodded. “I noticed that it perked right up after I watered it.” She looked fondly at her plant. “I enjoy tending plants. Maybe that’s because they’re a lot like Christians.”
“Christians! How are plants like Christians?”
“Well, for one thing, they both need a good root system, and both need proper care and food.”
“Roots?” Laurel grinned. “I know plants have roots, but if Christians had them, wouldn’t we be stuck in one spot?”
Mom laughed. “The Bible says Christians need to be rooted in Jesus,” she explained. “To do that, we need to remember the truth of the gospel—that Jesus died and rose again to save us from sin—and live it out in our lives. If we’re not firmly rooted in Jesus, we might follow false teachers and be led astray.”
“I get it,” said Laurel. “And besides physical food, Christians need spiritual food, right?”
Mom nodded. “Yes, and do you know where they get that?”
“Umm…from Jesus?” asked Laurel.
“That’s right,” said Mom. “He nourishes us in different ways. For example, when we read His Word, the Bible, and have fellowship with other Christians at church, He uses those things to feed us spiritually and help us grow in our faith. They remind us of what He has done for us and that we belong to Him.”
“If Christians don’t get spiritual food, will they get droopy like the plant did?” Laurel asked.
“I believe they often do,” Mom replied. “They may become focused on the things of this world instead of Jesus and the joy and peace He offers them.” She motioned toward the plant. “If we see this plant drooping again, maybe it will remind us not to let that happen in our spiritual lives.”
“Yeah,” said Laurel. “We need to be firmly planted in our faith!”
-Barbara Regier
How about you?
Do you feel droopy when it comes to spiritual things? Jesus wants to refresh your soul. Remember how much He loves you and what He did to save you. Spend time with other Christians, enjoying their fellowship and learning from them. Read what Jesus has to say to you in the Bible and talk to Him about it. Let Him strengthen your faith and give you the spiritual nourishment you need.
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