Daily Devotional for March 19, 2017
The Dollhouse

“Hi, Grandma!” said McKinley as she stepped off the bus. “I’m glad I get to spend the weekend with you.”
“I am too,” said Grandma, giving McKinley a hug. “How is everything at home?”
McKinley frowned. “I thought it was great that Dad got married again, but now I don’t like Monica.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” said Grandma as they put McKinley’s luggage in the car. “But you know, McKinley, Monica is a lovely Christian woman. And the Bible says to honor your parents. That means your stepmother too.”
“Well, she doesn’t honor my mother, so I don’t see why I should honor her.”
Grandma raised her brows. “What’s the problem?”
“She’s changing everything,” said McKinley. “Mom had our house just perfect, but Monica moves things around. And she doesn’t cook the same food Mom did, and she’s even changing some of our house rules! And the worst part is, Dad doesn’t seem to mind any of this—he agrees with her!” McKinley sighed. “It’s not fair. I feel like I’m losing my mother all over again.”
After dinner, Grandma took McKinley up to the attic. “Before your mother died, she asked me to give you this when you were old enough,” said Grandma, pulling the dust cover off a large object.
“Her dollhouse! Mom told me how she used to play with it all the time.” McKinley bent over to peer into the tiny rooms. “I love it! Can I paint it, Grandma? I want the bedroom to be blue, and the old-fashioned parlor can be a rec room.”
“Really?” asked Grandma. “But your mother liked it the way it is. Won’t you be dishonoring her by changing everything?”
McKinley looked shocked. “But, I just…I don’t see how…” She paused, then looked at Grandma. “You gave me this dollhouse today because of Monica, didn’t you?”
Grandma nodded. “God blessed you with a wonderful Christian stepmother,” she said. “He loves her, and He wants you to love her too by obeying and honoring her. She isn’t dishonoring your mother, even though she doesn’t do things exactly the way your mother did.”
“I know you’re right, Grandma,” admitted McKinley with a sigh. “I’ll obey and honor Monica—just like I did Mom.” – Ruth McQuilkin
How about you?
Do you have a stepparent or step-grandparent? Does it bother you when they do things differently from how your biological parent or grandparent would do them? Dealing with change can be difficult, but God wants you to show honor and respect to your parents—whether they’re your biological parents or stepparents. Honor God by honoring them.
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