Daily Devotional for January 9, 2020
The Dog and the Gate

Caleb and his father were out walking when Dad stopped to chat with a man who was working on a car. While they talked, Caleb noticed a very large dog in the yard behind the house. “Hey, there,” he said. “You look like a friendly guy.” The dog ignored him, so Caleb opened the gate and went into the yard. As he walked toward the dog, he heard a fierce growl. No longer friendly-looking, the dog was coming at him! Frightened, Caleb turned and started running.
Barking furiously, the dog kept coming. As Caleb looked for a place where the dog couldn’t follow, he heard the man call, “Get back, Dozer!”
Then Caleb heard Dad’s voice. “Over here, Caleb! Here’s the gate!” Caleb quickly headed toward his father. He ran through the gate, and Dad slammed it shut before the dog could follow.
“Whew! That was close!” said Caleb. He looked at the owner. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone in there.”
The man nodded. “I can see I need to put a lock on that gate. I’m sorry Dozer frightened you.”
Soon Dad and Caleb were on their way again. “I was really scared when that dog started coming at me. I couldn’t even think where the gate was, but when I heard you yell, I just ran that way and then I saw it.” Caleb looked at Dad. “I sure was glad to see you and find the way out.”
Dad smiled. “Maybe what happened here is the answer to a question you asked me last night. You wondered why Christians can’t seem to stop sinning sometimes, remember?” Caleb nodded. “Well, perhaps it’s because they don’t do what you did today. You ran from the dog, and Christians should run from sin. There was a way out for you, and there’s a way out when we’re tempted to sin too. You ran toward me, and Christians need to run toward Jesus—they need to remember they’re His children. He’s given them the power to say no to sin, and He always provides a way to escape temptation.”
“So, run from what tempts us, and run toward Jesus,” Caleb said. “I think I get it. Thanks, Dad.” He looked over his shoulder. “And thanks, Dozer!” -Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Do you find it hard to say no to sin? When you’re tempted to do something wrong, do you run from it? Or do you think about how much you might enjoy it? If you know Jesus, sin has no power over you. You can always say no, and He always provides a way of escape. When you’re tempted to sin, run toward Jesus and trust Him to show you a way out.
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