Daily Devotional for July 25, 2022
The Cycling Trip

“Whew! I’m so hot!” Matt groaned as he slowly cycled up a hill. Sweat ran down his face and his legs were aching.
A few feet ahead, Dad turned around and grinned. “You’re doing great! Just over this hill is a café. We’ll stop for ice cream.”
Before Matt could answer, a motorbike cruised around the corner and zipped past the two cyclists. It was gone in a flash. “Wow! What I wouldn’t give to have a motor on my bike right now!” puffed Matt enviously.
“Me too!” his dad called back to him.
They finally made it up the hill and arrived at the café. The motorbike was parked outside. Matt stopped to admire it. “It sure is a beauty,” he said.
“It is,” Dad agreed, “but let’s go inside and get that ice cream.”
That evening, Dad opened his Bible for devotions. “We’re up to Ephesians chapter six tonight,” he said. He started reading, then stopped after reading verse ten. He read it again slowly. “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Dad looked up. “This verse reminds me of something that happened today. Remember when we were going up that steep hill and that motorbike zipped by?”
Matt rolled his eyes. “Sure I do! Man, was I jealous! But what’s that got to do with this verse?”
“Well, what’s the difference between the way you use a standard bike and a motorbike?” Dad asked.
“That’s easy,” said Matt. “You need a lot of energy and strength to ride a standard bike. But a motorbike’s engine has all the power and energy you need. You just ride.” He paused. “The power of His might,” he murmured. “Is that verse saying that God gives us power—like a motorbike’s engine does?”
Dad nodded. “Christians often spend a lot of time struggling to do things on our own, but we don’t have to! We have the power of the Holy Spirit, who helps us turn from sin and follow His will for our lives. Instead of trying to do things in our own strength, we need to rely on Him.”
“I think I get it,” said Matt. “If we trust God to help us, we can do whatever He tells us to do.” He grinned. “Then we’ll be riding, not just cycling!”
-Emily Lauridsen
How about you?
Do you get stressed and worried about your troubles? Are you frustrated when you feel like you should do something but don’t really know how to go about it? When God puts it on your heart to do something, don’t struggle to handle it on your own. Trust Him to help you. Through the Holy Spirit, you have the power to do all God wants you to do.
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