Daily Devotional for May 21, 2020
The Broken Lamp
“How about showing Pastor Lopez to his room, Caden?” suggested Mom when the visiting pastor arrived for the weekend.
“Sure. You’re going to use my room,” Caden told the pastor, then led the way. “I left some space in the closet for you, and I cleared out the top dresser drawer.” Caden switched on the overhead light in his room. “Oh, I forgot.” He picked up a lamp from his desk. “This lamp doesn’t work, but Mom said you could use the one from her room. I’ll get it.”
“Maybe I can repair that one,” said Pastor Lopez. “I know a little about fixing electric things. Let’s have a look.”
“Really? You sure you want to?” Caden asked. Pastor Lopez smiled and nodded, so Caden handed him the lamp.
Caden watched Pastor Lopez tinker with the lamp. Hearing him mumble something in Spanish, Caden grinned. “I’m learning Spanish in school,” he said. “Could you teach me some words while you’re here?”
“I’ll be glad to,” said Pastor Lopez with a smile. “I was just saying ‘this doesn’t work’ in Spanish. The phrase we use for an appliance that doesn’t work is no sirve. In my church in Mexico, we have a saying: El que no sirve, no sirve.”
Caden repeated the phrase. “El que no sirve, no sirve. What does that mean?”
“Literally translated, it means ‘He who doesn’t serve, doesn’t serve.’ It’s a reminder that if a Christian is not being a servant, he’s something like this broken lamp. As Christians, we’re called to be servants because Jesus was a servant to us—He left the glory of heaven and came to earth to die for our sins. When we serve others, we shine His light into their lives…” Pastor Lopez flipped the switch and the lamp came on. “So they can see how much He loves them.”
“You fixed it!” Caleb exclaimed. “I’ve been needing the light from that lamp.” He grinned. “From now on it will remind me to be a servant like Jesus so others can see their need for Him.” HOLLY F. CEPEDA
How about you?
Do you think of yourself as a servant? If you trust in Jesus, He’s called you to be a servant so others can know what He’s done for them. What can you do to serve others? Maybe you can do yardwork for an elderly neighbor, help a classmate who’s struggling with schoolwork, or simply listen to someone who needs a friend. When you serve others, you shine the light of Jesus’ love into their lives.
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