Daily Devotional for July 16, 2023
The Brightest Star

“Let’s see who can find the brightest star,” Garrett said to his sister one hot summer evening as they looked up at the starry sky. “The loser has to buy ice cream tomorrow.”
“I don’t think you can prove which one is the brightest,” said Eden. But she suddenly pointed to the north. “That one’s mine! That bright one up there.”
Garrett squinted. “I think I see the one you mean, but I see a brighter one.” He pointed in another direction. “See—right in the middle of that cluster of stars. That one’s brighter than the one you found.”
“How do you know that?” asked Eden. They continued searching the heavens as they argued about which star was brighter.
When Dad came out to tell them it was bedtime, Garrett and Eden told him about their competition and asked him to judge which star was brightest of all. “Okay, I’ll do my best,” Dad said, and they pointed out the stars they had chosen. “As judge,” said Dad, “I declare that neither of those is the brightest star of all. In fact, I think the two of you should buy me ice cream because I know the brightest star personally.”
“What do you mean, you know a star?” asked Eden. “We’re not talking about football or movie stars, you know.”
Dad laughed. “Neither am I. And I’m not talking about a star in the sky either. I’m talking about Jesus. In the last chapter of the Bible, which talks about the day He will return to earth as King, He’s called the bright Morning Star. On that day, He will put an end to the darkness of sin and evil forever and fill the heavens and earth with His light, and everyone who knows Him as their Savior will reign with Him for all eternity. I’d say that’s the brightest star of all, wouldn’t you?”
“Okay, Dad.” Garrett grinned at his father as he got up to go inside. “But no treat. You weren’t in on the deal.”
“And you’re not the only one who knows the brightest star personally,” added Eden. “We know Jesus too!”
“Well then,” said Dad, “since you’ve both found the brightest star, how about I buy all of us ice cream tomorrow?”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Do you know Jesus—the bright Morning Star? When He returns to earth again as King, it will be the morning of a bright, new day—a glorious day that will never end! But He wants you to know Him as your Savior and King now. He invites you to come to Him. Trust in Him today so you can look forward to a bright future with Him that will last forever. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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