Daily Devotional for March 13, 2017
The Boss

“Hey!” called Bryan as he ran into house. “I got a job! I’m going to mow Mr. Radcliff’s lawn every week, and he’s going to pay me!”
“That’s great,” said Dad, “but right now, I have a job for you. The garage needs to be swept, and there are tools that have to be put away.”
“Are you going to pay me?” asked Bryan.
“Sure we are,” said Mom. “We’ll give you a bed to sleep in and clothes to wear and food to eat and—”
“Aw, Mom,” murmured Bryan. He went out to the garage and started sweeping, but he worked slowly and carelessly. When Dad came to see how it was going, the work was not nearly finished.
“Bryan,” said Dad, “I was hoping you’d show me that you’re ready for your first job outside the family. But I’m afraid you’re not.”
“Sure I am,” said Bryan. He put down the broom he was holding and looked around the garage. “I’ll do better when I’m getting paid.”
“Why is that?” asked Dad. “Mom pointed out that payment can come in different forms, remember?”
“Yeah, but Mr. Radcliff will be checking to see how I do. With my boss watching, it will just be…well…different.”
“No matter what job you’re doing or what the pay is, someone is always watching,” said Dad.
“Do you mean God?” asked Bryan. “Is He my boss too?”
“You could call Him that,” said Dad. “That’s who you’re really working for, no matter who pays you—or doesn’t pay you.”
“I guess so. I never thought of Him like that before,” said Bryan. “I guess—like you and Mom—He pays in ways other than money, right?”
Dad nodded. “God is the one who provides all the material blessings we have—like money, food, clothes, and shelter—and sometimes He chooses to reward our work with more of these things. But through Jesus He gives us an even greater reward that we could never earn—eternal life—and wants us to show our gratitude for this free gift by serving Him in all we do.” Dad picked up the broom and handed it to Bryan. “Always do your best for Jesus!” – Heather M. Tekavec
How about you?
Does your attitude toward work depend on whether you’re getting paid or who you’re working for? Remember that God sees what you’re doing and knows if you’re doing your best. He may sometimes reward you by having others give you money or material things.. But His greatest reward is eternal life through Jesus. Serve Him in all you do!
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