Daily Devotional for October 6, 2022
The Best Team

“We won! We won!” shouted August as he dashed into the house. “Our team won the archery competition at school today, and look what I got!” He held out a blue first-prize ribbon.
“That’s great!” said Mom. “And you’re always saying you’re no good at archery. How many points did you make?”
“Only two, but it didn’t matter, because I was on the best team—Jonathan’s team. He’s the best archer in the whole school.” August grinned. “I could never win an archery competition on my own—most of the others on my team couldn’t either—but Jonathan won it for us. He made so many points we wouldn’t have had to make any. But the whole team got first-prize ribbons.”
Mom smiled. “Well, I’m glad you had a good time today.”
A couple days later, August and his parents attended a service at their church. On the way home, Mom commented on the message. “August, I thought of your friend Jonathan when Pastor Curtis talked about Christians being righteous in God’s sight.”
“You did?” August asked curiously. “Why would that make you think of him?”
“You told me you’d never be able to win first place in archery on your own, but the points Jonathan made in the competition counted for everyone on his team, right?” Mom asked.
“That’s right,” said August.
“Well, no person can ever be good enough to win eternal life with God on their own either,” Mom said. “We’re all sinners who have done wrong and fallen short in God’s eyes. But because of what Jesus did on the cross, everyone has the opportunity to go to heaven. Jesus won eternal life for us when He died on the cross for our sins and rose again, and all who trust in Him are on His team. Just like all the kids on your archery team shared in Jonathan’s victory in the competition, all Christians share in Jesus’s victory over sin and death.”
“Wow! Then we’re members of the very best team of all, aren’t we?”
Dad nodded. “As Pastor Curtis pointed out, when we trust in Jesus, God sees His righteousness in us instead of our sin. Then we all share in His victory and receive the prize of eternal life with Him. We’re members of his eternal team.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Are you on God’s team? There’s no way you can have victory over sin and death and win a place in heaven on your own. But Jesus has already won the victory, and He invites you to share in it. Will you trust Him as your Savior today? Then when God looks at you, He’ll see Jesus’s goodness—His righteousness—and you’ll be on His team forever! (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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