Daily Devotional for August 24, 2020
The Best Artist

“Look at that funny monkey!” Sophia giggled as she pointed toward a little monkey who was making faces at his reflection in a mirror. Sophia and her brother, Sam, were spending the day at the zoo with their Uncle Steve.
“It was fun to see all the different animals, but the peacocks were my favorite,” Sophia said when they returned home. She tugged on Uncle Steve’s arm. “Draw them for us!”
Taking a pencil and paper, Uncle Steve, who was an artist, drew pictures of the peacocks they had seen. “I’ll draw some other animals for you,” he said.
Sophia and Sam sat close beside him and watched. Each wanted to be first to guess what animal their uncle was drawing. “I know what that is!” exclaimed Sophia after a minute. “It’s a bear.”
“Right,” said Uncle Steve. “How about this?” He began another sketch.
“A giraffe!” exclaimed Sam. He grinned. “You’re good, Uncle Steve. It’s easy to tell what you’re drawing.”
“Yeah,” chimed in Sophia, “all your pictures are so cool. I think you’re the best artist in the world!”
Uncle Steve laughed. “Thanks, but you know, if it weren’t for the greatest artist of all, I wouldn’t have anything to draw.”
“What do you mean?” Sophia asked.
Uncle Steve motioned toward the living room window. “Look out that big window,” he said. “It’s called a picture window, and I think that’s a good name for it. What do you see?”
“Lots of things!” answered Sophia. “There’s the apple tree, the flower garden, and there’s a robin in the birdbath!”
“And there goes Mr. Turner’s dog running across the lawn,” added Sam.
“And who made that big picture?” asked Uncle Steve.
“God did,” said Sam. “He’s the artist you were talking about, isn’t He?”
Uncle Steve nodded. “I love to look at God’s pictures. He created so many things,
and each one is just the right color, just the right shape, and just the right size. Whenever I see His beautiful creation, it reminds me of how awesome He is and how much He loves us. He’s the greatest artist, and His pictures are the very best!”
Sophia laughed. “Okay,” she said. “Then you’re the second best, Uncle Steve!” • Deana L. Rogers
How about you?
Have you ever thought of God as an artist? Have you noticed how creative He is? He made cold white snow and warm summer sunshine. He made oceans wet and deserts dry. Kittens are soft, and porcupines are all prickly! And aren’t you glad He didn’t leave everything in black and white? He created everything there is as a picture of His great glory and His love for us.
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