Daily Devotional for January 11, 2018
The Benchwarmer

“I’m quitting basketball,” Theo announced flatly as his dad entered the room.
“Quitting?” asked Dad. “But you could hardly wait to join the team!”
Theo frowned. “I’m just a benchwarmer. Coach Adams hardly ever lets me play.”
“Well, no, he hasn’t yet, but he told me you have great potential.”
“If I’m so great, why doesn’t he let me play more?” asked Theo.
“The older players have more experience,” Dad replied, “and Coach Adams is naturally going to use his best players when it’s necessary for a win.”
“I can play as well as they can,” Theo said. “At least, I could if I got to play in more games. Basketball is almost over for the year!”
“Just be patient,” said Dad. “We all need to wait patiently sometimes.”
Theo crossed his arms. “I’ve waited long enough!”
Dad scratched his chin. “Do you remember King David in the Bible? He was a benchwarmer too.”
Theo rolled his eyes. “Dad, King David never played basketball! It didn’t exist back then.”
“No, but you could say he was benchwarmer for a long time. When David was just a young boy, the prophet Samuel anointed him to be king, but he had to wait about twenty years before he actually became king.”
“Yeah, but being king is an important thing. It was something God said would happen,” Theo said. “I don’t think God really cares if I play basketball or not.”
“I think He does,” said Dad. “He gave us our gifts, and He often uses them to shape us to be more like Jesus. Learning to play basketball involves more than just dribbling and shooting. A good player also knows when it’s best to take a shot or pass the ball, and that requires other skills—skills like patience. I think God is using this experience to teach you to be more patient. Then you’ll be a better basketball player and a more mature Christian.”
“I guess,” Theo said thoughtfully. Then he stood up. “How about a little one-on-one, Dad?”
Dad smiled. “You’re not quitting?”
“Not me,” said Theo. “I love basketball, and I want to keep getting better.” He grinned. “I just hope it doesn’t take me twenty years to get into more games!” – Joyce R. Lee
How about you?
Do you feel like a benchwarmer? Perhaps your coach isn’t letting you play or your parents won’t let you do something you think you’re ready for. When things like that happen, remember that Jesus uses everyday experiences to shape you to be more like Him. Think about what He might be teaching you in the situation you’re dealing with, then ask Him to give you patience as He helps you learn and grow.
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