Daily Devotional for September 3, 2018
The Backpack Test

“Kids! Ready for school? In just a minute we have to fly out of here!” Mom yelled from the kitchen as she hurriedly threw together lunches. Katie and Ben tied their shoes near the front door.
“Need help with your backpack, Katie? I’ll help you,” Ben offered. He jumped up and held his younger sister’s backpack so she could slide her arms in.
“Thanks,” Katie said. She lifted her arms and reached behind her.
“OUCH!” Ben yelled. “You poked me in the eye!”
Mom came running with two lunch bags flopping wildly. “What happened?” she asked.
“She poked me in the eye!” Ben wailed.
“It was an accident!” Katie said. “He was helping me get my backpack on. Sorry, Ben, do you forgive me?”
“No!” Ben said. “It still hurts.”
Mom sighed and put a hand on Ben’s shoulder. “You suffered for showing kindness, didn’t you?” Ben nodded and scowled. “Do you know that’s just what happened to Jesus?” Mom asked. “He suffered to show us the ultimate kindness by taking the punishment for our sin.”
“He didn’t just suffer,” Katie said. “He died!”
“Yes,” Mom said, “He suffered and died so we could be forgiven for our sins—and He wants us to show His love and kindness to others by forgiving them when they hurt us. God tells us not to be surprised by these tests. Instead, we should remember how Jesus handled the test of suffering and follow His example.”
Katie squirmed. “But I don’t want to suffer.”
“Nobody does, sweetie,” Mom said. “But our suffering is temporary. Because Jesus suffered once for our sins, we can look forward to the joy of being with Him in heaven forever. And we can follow His example by showing others kindness and forgiveness—even if we get hurt in the process.”
Ben sighed and looked at his sister. “Katie, I’m sorry I said I wouldn’t forgive you. I know it was an accident. My eye is fine.”
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Katie said.
Ben nodded. “It’s nothing compared to what Jesus went through for us!” – Pearl Allard
How about you?
How have you suffered for following Jesus? Have you befriended a new kid in school, only to get ditched as soon as they made a more popular friend? Have you been made fun of for praying before you eat? Have you sacrificed time for someone who didn’t appreciate it? When you’re tested with suffering, remember what Jesus suffered so you could be forgiven. Then follow His example and keep showing His love to others.
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