Daily Devotional for July 5, 2017
The Arrowhead

Stephen hoisted himself up onto a ledge of crumbling granite and collapsed on a small patch of mossy grass. “That was quite a climb!” he said as he rubbed his aching legs. “Aren’t you tired, Uncle Don? We’ve hiked a long way.”
“We’ll catch our breath for a few minutes before we head back,” said Uncle Don. He took off his backpack and set it down.
Stephen picked up some stones. “Look at this!” he said. Uncle Don knelt beside him, and they looked at the stone Stephen held in his hand. It was shaped like a triangle and came to an unmistakable point. “It’s a real arrowhead, isn’t it?” asked Stephen.
“Sure looks like it to me,” said Uncle Don.
Stephen brushed the dirt and dust from the stone and held it up so that the light glinted off its edges.
“You know,” said Uncle Don, “the man who made that arrowhead carefully chiseled it, and he knew just how he wanted to use it.”
Stephen looked at his uncle. “He would have used it for hunting, wouldn’t he?”
Uncle Don nodded. “I imagine so. He would have had a specific purpose for that arrowhead, and I’m quite sure he accomplished his purpose. He probably used it to get food for his family.” Uncle Don smiled. “Can you think of any lesson we can learn from that?”
“Hmm—shoot straight when you hunt?” Stephen said with a grin. “Though that’s probably not the kind of lesson you’re talking about.”
Uncle Don laughed. “You’re right. I think this arrowhead should remind us that someone made us for a special purpose.”
“God did, right?” asked Stephen.
“Yes,” said Uncle Don. “You’re far more important than a simple arrowhead, Stephen, and God has a wonderful plan for your life. He’s using all your life experiences to shape you to be more like Jesus so you can serve Him the way He wants you to. Whenever you look at your arrowhead, remember that God has a purpose for your life and will be there to guide you every step of the way.”
Stephen put the arrowhead in his pocket. “I will.” – Christi B. Kehn
How about you?
Did you know that God has a special plan for your life? God made you and sent His Son, Jesus, to save you from sin, and He has plans for you. Talk with Him every day and ask Him for guidance. Stop and thank Him for something wonderful in your life. Read the Bible to learn how He wants you to live. Remember He’s shaping you to be more like Jesus.
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