Daily Devotional for November 27, 2020
The Anti-Virus Program
As Alexander began his report for school, lines of gibberish flashed across the monitor. “Will!” he called, seeing that he needed help from his older brother. “The computer’s acting weird!”
Will came into the room and typed some commands into the computer. After a moment, he turned to Alexander. “Can you use Josh’s computer? I think this one has a virus.” Will frowned. “Maybe we need to get a different anti-virus program.”
“What’s an anti-virus program?” Alexander asked.
“It’s a program to keep the computer from downloading destructive stuff in email or from the internet,” Will replied.
“Well, Josh’s mom will probably let me do my report there,” said Alexander. So he went to check with his friend, who lived down the street.
“Sure. Help yourself,” said Josh’s mom when Alexander asked if he could use their computer.
The boys went to the den where the computer was kept. “That’s not homework, is it?” Alexander asked as he watched Josh clear his Bible and several papers off the desk so Alexander could use the computer.
“No, just some Bible verses I’m trying to memorize,” said Josh. “I print them on cards and put them where I’ll see them during the day.”
“Why do you bother to learn all those verses?” asked Alexander. “Can’t you just read them in the Bible?”
“Well, I have to learn some for the club I’m in at church,” said Josh. “But there’s also a verse that tells us to hide God’s Word in our hearts so we won’t sin, so I want to do it for that reason too. Then if I hear things that go against what the Bible says, I’ll know to listen to God and do what He says instead.”
“Kind of like your own personal anti-virus program that keeps your brain from downloading bad stuff?” asked Alexander with a grin.
“That’s it!” said Josh. “And you know firsthand how important an anti-virus program can be. One of my favorite verses says, ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’ It means we need to live with the truth of Jesus in our hearts instead of listening to the world’s lies. And memorizing verses helps me do that.” • Debra W. Smith
How about you?
Does your brain need some anti-virus protection? How many times a day are you exposed to ungodly speech and ideas? How often are you tempted to say or do something wrong? To protect ourselves from the lies of this world, we need the truth of God’s Word. The Bible reminds us who we are in Jesus and guides us in living out His truth and love. How about downloading some Bible verses into your mind and life today?
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