Daily Devotional for August 4, 2019
That’s Enough

“So, what’s the grand total?” Dad asked as Laura counted the change on the table in front of her.
“Twenty-three dollars and sixty-two cents.” Laura dejectedly put the money back in the shoebox she’d been using as a cash register.
“That’s great!” Dad said. “So why the gloomy face?”
Laura sighed. “I’ve been selling lemonade all summer. I worked so hard, and I only made $23.62.”
“That’s a respectable amount,” Dad said. “I don’t see the problem.”
“The church is trying to raise $10,000 to feed hungry people around the world. What good will $23.62 do? It’s just not enough!”
Dad smiled. “You didn’t expect to make $10,000 selling lemonade, did you?”
“No,” Laura said, “but I had hoped to make more than this. I really want to help feed hungry people!” She put her head down on the table.
“Laura,” Dad said, “if you give your $23.62 to God, there’s no limit to what He can do with it.”
Laura looked up at her father skeptically.
“Do you remember the Bible story about the little boy who gave his lunch to Jesus?” Dad asked. “He only had five loaves of bread and two fish, but Jesus used it to feed over five thousand people! If you give God whatever you have, He can use it in miraculous ways.”
Dad reached down and picked up an acorn off the ground. “See this?” He showed it to Laura, dropping it into her hand. “Not much, is it? Now, look up.”
Laura followed her father’s gaze to the branches of the enormous oak tree that shaded her lemonade stand.
“This tree we love so much started out as a little acorn, just like the one in your hand,” Dad said. “It wasn’t much to work with, but God grew it into this beautiful tree that gives us shade, feeds the squirrels, and makes new acorns that can become new oak trees. And He’s doing the same with His kingdom. Jesus is using you to show His love to others so more people can know Him. To do that, He’ll use whatever you can give Him.”
Laura watched as a bluebird landed in the oak tree. “Thanks, Dad. Can we take this money to the church now?” Suzanne Felton
How about you?
Does it feel like nothing you do will ever make a difference? Maybe you think you’re too young or too small to help, or that the world’s problems are just too big. Don’t be discouraged. If you know Jesus, He’s using you to grow His kingdom. Whatever you have—time, talent, money—is enough for Him to use to do amazing things!
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