Daily Devotional for November 18, 2020
Thanksgiving Blues

“Gemma,” Dad called out. “Did you finish your online homework?”
Gemma stormed into the room with a scowl on her face. “No, I didn’t do
my stupid homework! And I hate my stupid online class! I just want to be done
with school forever!”
“Whoa, whoa there.” Dad held up his hands to stop Gemma from marching forward. “It sounds like something more is going on here. You usually love school! Do you wanna talk about it?”
Gemma huffed out a sigh. “I’m—I’m sad about Thanksgiving,” she mumbled.
“Could you say that again?” asked Dad. “I didn’t hear you.”
“I said I’m sad about Thanksgiving!” Gemma was almost yelling. “I always look forward to going to Virginia for Thanksgiving and seeing Grandma and Grandpa, but we can’t go this year because of the coronavirus. But I can’t be upset about it, because today Addison told our class that her grandma died from COVID-19, and that’s way worse!”
Dad looked concerned. “Who told you it’s not okay to feel upset?”
“I dunno,” said Gemma. “I just felt like having to miss one Thanksgiving in Virginia is nothing compared to losing a grandma.”
“Gemma, do you remember when we read through the Psalms last year? Remember how the writer in a lot of those Psalms was upset—kind of like you are now? Just because you lost something different doesn’t mean your upset feelings about it don’t matter. Your losses still matter to God, and He tells us to bring our griefs to Him. Jesus even cried out in grief the night before He died on the cross for our sins. He was upset, and He brought his concerns to God the Father.”
Gemma looked surprised. “Really? God really wants to hear when I’m upset, even about stuff like Thanksgiving plans?”
“Absolutely!” said Dad. “There are always going to be people who have things better or worse than we do. Instead of comparing our losses to other people’s, we should bring our concerns and feelings to God, no matter what they are.”
“And you’re sure God won’t get mad at me?” Gemma asked hesitantly.
Her dad laughed. “No, Gemma. God is big enough to handle all your feelings, happy or sad.” • Naomi Vroegop
How about you?
Are there things you missed out on because of COVID-19? Maybe your family skipped a trip you had planned, or an event you were looking forward to was canceled. Maybe you even thought it was wrong to feel bad about it because other people were dealing with worse situations. God cares about you, and He wants you to bring your tough feelings to Him so He can help you heal. Bring all your sadness and disappointment to Him—He can handle it.
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