Daily Devotional for March 14, 2019
Temporary Situation

Marina sighed as she struggled to her feet. Why do I have to wear these leg braces? she thought. I’m glad they make it possible for me to walk, but why didn’t God just make me with good, strong legs like other kids? Marina looked at herself in the full-length mirror. They look funny too. I hate looking like a robot. The more she thought about it, the more she felt like crying.
When Marina went to the grocery store with her mother that evening, they saw a woman from their church. “Mrs. Barker! How are you?” asked Mom. “You recently moved into a new house, didn’t you? How do you like it?”
Mrs. Barker laughed. “We don’t like it very much at all right now. The furnace doesn’t work half the time, and we’re tired of the constant dripping in the bathroom sink. The color of the walls is ugly, and the carpet is old and worn out.”
“That’s too bad,” said Marina’s mother, “but you sure seem cheerful about it.”
Mrs. Barker grinned. “I guess that’s because we’re thinking of how nice it’ll be once it’s had all the renovations it needs. Right now we’re working on the kitchen, and then we’ll replace the furnace and start working on the other rooms. Every time I feel discouraged because I have to move a sheet of plastic to get into the fridge, I just think of how happy I’ll be once everything is new and in working order. That always makes me feel better.”
That evening, Mom told Marina’s dad what Mrs. Barker had said.
“It sounds like she’s excited about their new house even though it’s not much fun to live in right now,” said Dad. “That’s a good way for Christians to think too. In fact, the next time my back hurts, I’ll have to remember that my body won’t be like this forever. It’s just a temporary situation. When Jesus comes back, He’s going to make everything in this world new—including our bodies! We’ll never have to deal with pain, sickness, or death ever again.”
Hey, that’s right! Marina thought. I need to remember that these leg braces are just a temporary situation too. – Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Do you have a health problem that has you feeling discouraged? Perhaps you have a condition there’s no cure for here on earth. Remember that if you’re a Christian, health problems are just a temporary situation. You’ll have a perfect body someday when Jesus returns and makes everything new. Whenever you feel discouraged, ask Him to help you remember that.
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