Daily Devotional for August 14, 2022
Temporary Permanent

“I’m home, Mom!” Ty poured a glass of milk and perched on a stool at the kitchen counter, thinking about all the things that had gone wrong that day. His thoughts were interrupted when his mom and great-grandmother came in.
“Hi, Ty,” his great-grandma greeted him. “How do you like my new hairdo?” She grinned and turned this way and that, patting her hair.
Ty took a drink of milk. “Looks nice, Grandma.”
Mom fixed tea for Grandma and herself. “Grandma got a perm this afternoon.”
“Perm,” Ty repeated, mulling over the word. “Why do they call it that?”
“It’s short for ‘permanent,’” said Grandma. “It’s a special hairstyle where they change the texture of my hair with chemicals so it stays curly and I don’t have to curl it myself every day. But unfortunately, it isn’t really permanent. It’s only temporary. After a while, it loses its curl.”
Ty bit into a cookie. “Why call it a permanent then?”
“Good question! I think it’s misnamed,” said Grandma. “Although some other things we call permanent don’t last long either.”
“That’s true.” Mom sipped her tea. “But some things do last. For instance, the love I have for you, Ty.”
“Yes, and even better, God’s love for us is really permanent,” said Grandma. “It goes on forever.”
Ty ran his fingers through his hair. “That’s nice to remember after the awful day I’ve had.”
“You had a bad day?” asked Mom. “I’m sorry. What happened?”
“Everything went wrong. I lost my English homework and have to do it over. At recess, I fell and ripped a hole in these new jeans. And to top it off, I don’t understand my math problems.”
Mom hugged him. “Don’t be discouraged, honey. I’ll mend your jeans and help with your homework. God wants to help you too.”
“That’s right,” said Grandma. “Even when things go wrong and it seems like God has forgotten you, He really hasn’t. His love is there, strong and true.”
Mom nodded. “Jesus will help you through this tough day you’ve had. And don’t forget that the troubles we face in life are temporary. One day, when Jesus returns, He’ll end all our problems for good.”
“And we’ll live with Him forever,” said Grandma. “Or should I say, permanently!”
-Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Do you get upset when things go wrong? When you feel discouraged, remember that Jesus doesn’t forget you. He always loves you, whether you feel it or not. His love is everlasting—it is permanent. Trust Him to help you with your problems. Our troubles are temporary, but the love and life we have in Jesus lasts forever!
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