Daily Devotional for February 16, 2023
Tell Jesus About It

Zyan looked in awe at the newborn baby asleep in his arms. Zyan and his mom were visiting Aunt Sarah in the hospital because she had just had a baby.
“You’re so tiny, Baby Charlie,” Zyan said softly. Aunt Sarah smiled.
Just then, Charlie began to cry.
“Umm.” Zyan shifted nervously, unsure what to do.
Aunt Sarah swooped in, scooping Charlie into her arms. “Oh, little one,” she said, holding the baby close. “Tell Mama about it!” Charlie soon stopped crying, comforted by Aunt Sarah’s closeness.
On the drive home, Zyan’s mom spoke. “You know, Zyan, something Aunt Sarah said to Charlie today reminded me of Jesus.”
“What was that?” asked Zyan.
“Well, Charlie needed his mom, so he cried out for her. Aunt Sarah came right over and was with him through his tears. Do you remember what Aunt Sarah said when she picked Charlie up?”
“Yeah,” said Zyan. “She said, ‘Tell Mama about it.’”
“Exactly,” said Mom. “And Jesus does something similar with us. He promises to be with us—even in our most tearful moments. He tells us to tell Him how we’re feeling and what we need. He is the One who will meet our needs, and His presence is what we need most.”
“So Jesus is with me even when I don’t remember He’s there?” asked Zyan.
“Absolutely!” said Mom. “Just like Aunt Sarah was there for Charlie and comforted him by holding him close, Jesus is always with us. No emotion we experience is too big for Him. In fact, in the Bible we find all kinds of people who loved God and talked with Him about their deepest hurts, questions, and feelings. I’m really glad that God shows us in His Word that we can find comfort with Him, even in our hardest moments.”
“Me too,” said Zyan.
“And there’s more good news to remember,” Mom said. “Because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave, He promises He will one day make all things free from sin and free from tears! As Christians, we can know that He is with us now and forever, no matter what we face.”
-Kandi Zeller
How about you?
Did you know that you can talk with Jesus, no matter what’s going on in your life or how big your feelings are? God loves His children, so we can talk with Him about anything we’re facing. As Christians, we can know that God is always with us and cares about what we’re going through. Talk with Jesus about what you’re feeling today!
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