Daily Devotional for November 2, 2019

“Okay, boys,” called Coach Jensen. “If you want to try out for goalie, form a line near the goal box.” Sergio ran to the end of the soccer field and joined the line forming there. “Sergio,” called the coach, “let’s see what you can do.”
Sergio watched carefully as two players neared the goal, kicking the ball back and forth. When one of them sent a powerful kick toward the goal, Sergio swooped down to block the ball, but it got by him. He saved only one out of several goal attempts. There goes my chance of being goalie, he thought sadly.
After practice, Coach Jensen came over to talk to him. “Sergio, I hope you’re not too disappointed about not making goalie. The team can’t afford to lose you as a midfielder anyway. Running and moving the ball is really your thing.”
That evening at dinner, Sergio repeated what the coach had said. “I still wish I could be goalie, though,” he added. “But if the team really needs me in midfield, I guess it doesn’t matter that I’m not a good goalie.”
“The important thing is to work together with other team members and play the position that helps build a strong team,” Dad said. He took a bite of spaghetti. “That’s what we need to do on God’s team too.”
Sergio scratched his head. “Uh, I don’t think God has a soccer team, Dad.”
Dad dabbed his mouth with a napkin and smiled. “No, not a soccer team, but the Church—meaning all Christians everywhere—functions like a team. God gives each one of us special gifts and talents, and we need to work together for Him. Not all of us get the same ones, and sometimes we think we should have something different from what we were given. But when we all use our gifts to show others the love of Jesus, we bring Him glory as a team.”
“You mean like how some people can preach and some can sing?” asked Sergio.
“That’s right, and some, like you, are good at encouraging others,” said Dad. “God gives a great variety of gifts, and each one is needed. Let’s thank Him for the gifts we have and use them to serve Him.” Brenda M. Rice
How about you?
Are you happy with the gifts—the abilities or talents—that you have? Or do you wish you could have a gift God has given someone else? In His wisdom, God has given you the gifts and responsibilities He knows are best for you. Be thankful for them, and use them to show others the love of Jesus and bring Him glory.
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