Daily Devotional for March 4, 2017
Teacups and Train Sets

In the attic’s dim lamplight, Andrew could see many interesting things—boxes of Christmas ornaments, piles of photograph albums, and trunks filled with camping equipment. He and Dad were hunting for Dad’s old train set—the one he used to play with when he was Andrew’s age.
“What’s this?” asked Andrew, stumbling across a large wooden crate. He lifted the lid to discover dozens of items wrapped in newspaper. Wondering what was inside, he began to unravel one. He was disappointed to discover an old-fashioned teacup, painted with rambling roses.
“Be careful with that!” said Dad. “That looks like Grandma Joan’s teacup collection. It was very precious to her—and now to your mom.”
Andrew was puzzled. “What’s so precious about a box of teacups?” he asked.
“Didn’t Mom tell you the story? Grandma Joan collected teacups from every place she ever visited. She had teacups from all over the globe!”
Andrew’s eyes grew wide. Perhaps the teacups weren’t so boring after all.
“It might not be everybody’s ‘cup of tea,’” continued Dad, obviously pleased with his awful joke, “but this collection was Grandma Joan’s treasured possession! Over the years, those teacups became very valuable. She could have sold them at a high price, but she wouldn’t think of it. They held a lot of memories, I guess.”
Andrew smiled. The teacups must have reminded her of all the places she’d visited.
“Do you know there’s a verse in the Bible about God’s treasured possession?” asked Dad.
Andrew was intrigued. “God has a treasured possession? What is it?”
“Well,” said Dad, “it’s you and me and all of God’s people all over the earth. We’re so valuable to Him that He was willing to pay a high price so we could be His—sending His Son to die for us.” Dad blew away years of dust from a large rectangular box. “And speaking of favorite things—this was definitely mine when I was your age!” He opened the box. “Here she is! The Red Rocket!”
Andrew hurried over to have a look at the red locomotive. “Wow, it’s so awesome! Can we set it up today, Dad? Please?”
“Okay,” said Dad. “Let’s go!” – Angela Jelf
How about you?
Do you have a treasured possession? Is it valuable? You can tell how valuable something is by the price someone is willing to pay for it. God’s people are His treasured possession. It cost Him everything to make you one of His children—death on a cross—but He was willing to pay the price. That’s how valuable you are to Him!
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