Daily Devotional for September 28, 2020
Talitha’s Test

Talitha watched her little sister giggle at the birds playing outside their window.
“Those sparrows are so happy, aren’t they?” Mom asked with a smile.
Little Lizzy shrieked as one of the birds came right up by the window, and Talitha laughed. For a minute she forgot about the test she would be taking in school the next day. But she didn’t forget it for long.
“Mom?” Talitha said quietly. “I’m worried.”
“What are you worried about?” her mom asked, stepping over to the table where she sat.
“I’m worried I’m going to fail my test tomorrow.”
“Haven’t you been studying for it all week?” asked Mom. “Isn’t that the test you made all those flash cards for that we’ve been going through together?” Talitha nodded. “You’re ready for that test, sweetie,” said Mom.
Talitha frowned. “But what if I’m not? What if the questions are ones I don’t understand? What if I get scared and don’t remember what to write down?”
“Shh.” Her mom put a finger to her lips. “You’re worrying about things that are most likely not going to happen. Talitha, you’ve studied hard, and I’m sure you’re going to do well. Have you prayed about this test?”
“God doesn’t care about my test,” said Talitha.
Mom lifted an eyebrow. “Oh yes, He does. The Bible talks about how God provides for those sparrows we saw outside. They’re happy and carefree because He’s looking out for them.”
“Really?” asked Talitha. “The Bible says God cares about little birds like those sparrows?”
Mom picked up her mug of coffee and gave a nod. “And it also says He cares even more about us than He does about birds or any other creatures He’s made. He loves us so much He sent His Son to die for us so we could live with Him forever! That means He cares about everything we go through.” She put her hand on Talitha’s. “He cares about your test, sweetie, and you don’t have to worry about it any longer. You’ve studied hard, and now you just need to pray about it and trust Him to work everything out. No matter what happens, He will take care of you.”
Talitha gave a little nod. “Okay, Mom. I will.” • Emily Acker
How about you?
Are you worried about something? Have you prayed about it? Or do you feel it just isn’t important enough for you to pray about? Everything you worry about is important to God. He loves you and cares about every part of your life. Jesus promises to be with you through everything you face, whether it’s a pop quiz or a life-changing loss. Bring all your worries and cares to Him.
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