Daily Devotional for June 6, 2021
Taken For Granted

Ray thought over his day as he walked home. It had been his turn to stack breakfast dishes that morning. His mother usually thanked him for his help, but this time she didn’t say anything.
Then, on the way to school, Ray had stopped to help a younger child who had fallen and dropped several books. The boy had grabbed the books and run off without even looking at Ray. What an ungrateful kid! Ray thought.
At recess, instead of hurrying out to play, Ray had offered to help pass out papers. Up and down the rows he went, putting the papers on the desks. When he was finished, his teacher glanced up. “You can go now,” she said absently.
Ray looked at her curiously. Doesn’t she even appreciate my help? he wondered.
Mr. Klein, one of Ray’s neighbors, was old and suffered from arthritis. Since it was hard for him to bend over, Ray always picked up his newspaper after school, rang the doorbell, and handed it to him. Today, Mr. Klein scowled and grumbled, “You’re late!”
Ray sighed. It seemed like no one appreciated the things he did.
“Why the sad face, Ray?” asked Mrs. Wiggins, who lived next door to Ray’s family.
Ray shrugged. “It just seems like everyone has been taking me for granted today,” he replied.
Mrs. Wiggins nodded sympathetically. “I’ve felt that way myself. And it seems to me Jesus must sometimes feel that way too, don’t you think?”
Ray frowned. “Why would He feel that way?”
“Well, remember the ten lepers Jesus healed? Only one thanked Him, and sometimes I’m like the other nine. Too often I take all my blessings for granted and fail to tell Jesus how much I appreciate Him and the sacrifice He made to save me.” Mrs. Wiggins smiled. “I want to tell you, Ray, I appreciate having you for a friend and neighbor.”
Ray smiled and felt better, but he was thoughtful as he turned up his driveway.
At dinner that night, Ray turned to his mom. “This chicken is super good! Thanks, Mom.” He grinned at Dad. “And thanks, Dad, for helping me learn to bat. I got a hit today!” And that evening, he took extra time to thank Jesus for all He had done for him.
-Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Do you like to be thanked for the nice things you do? Other people appreciate gratitude too. Do you remember to thank them for the things they do for you? How about God? He, above all, deserves your thanksgiving and your praise. Do you thank Him for your family and friends? For providing for your needs? Most of all, do you thank Jesus for dying for your sins so you could be saved? Thank Him for all He has done for you.
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