Daily Devotional for August 9, 2020
Sweet Like Honey
The peace and quiet upstairs was suddenly shattered by accusing voices. “You’re a crybaby!” Will told his sister, Chloe.
“Oh yeah? You’re a tattletale!” Chloe replied.
“Will! Chloe! Come down right now!” Mom called from downstairs where she and Aunt Susie were cooking.
Two red-faced kids trudged into the kitchen of their aunt and uncle’s house. Mom looked at them sternly. “I’m disappointed in you. You know better than—”
Suddenly, a door slammed. Mom, Chloe, and Will snapped their heads up, the scolding forgotten. “Uncle Matthew!” Will shouted. He and Chloe raced out of the room to greet their uncle. Soon they all came into the kitchen. Uncle Matthew carried a rectangular wooden frame filled with hexagon-shaped wax.
“Thought I’d pop in and let you try some honey I harvested,” he told the kids. “Can we taste some honey, Mom?” Will asked.
She nodded. Chloe and Will gathered around Uncle Matthew.
“Press your finger into the wax,” Uncle Matthew told them, then demonstrated.
Some wax broke under his finger and covered it in gooey, golden honey.
Chloe and Will followed his example. Will licked a honey-coated finger. “Wow,” he
said. “This is the best honey ever. And I’ve eaten lots of honey.”
Chloe tasted hers. “Mmm!”
Mom’s eyes widened with an idea. “You know, the Bible mentions honey.”
“Cool!” Chloe exclaimed. “Where?”
“Proverbs 16:24,” Aunt Susie said. “’Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the
soul and healing to the bones.’”
Uncle Matthew nodded. “Honey’s delicious, and it’s perfect for healing our bodies.
Words are similar.”
“We need to remember the impact words have,” Mom said, eyeing Will and Chloe.
“Our words need to show others the love of Jesus. There’s a verse in Psalms that says God’s words to us are as sweet as honey. His Word, the Bible, speaks truth to us and encourages us. Those are what our words to others should be like—words that taste like honey, not words that hurt like a honeybee sting.”
Will and Chloe looked at each other. “Sorry for calling you a crybaby,” said Will. “Sorry for calling you a tattletale,” Chloe replied.
They smiled, then each reached for another taste of honey. • JULIE POTTER
How about you?
Are the words you say to others sweet like honey? Or are they more like angry bees on the attack? It’s easy to be hurtful or careless with our words. But as Christians, what we say should point others to Jesus and His kindness and love. Apologizing, giving genuine compliments, and thanking others are a few ways to use our words for good. How else can you share God’s sweetness in your words?
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