Daily Devotional for January 2, 2022

Levi sat in the comfortable cinema chair with a big tub of buttered popcorn in his lap and a large soda in the drink holder. He had been wanting to see this movie for weeks, and so far, it was worth the wait! Then the screen darkened and Levi sat upright in his seat. He could tell Uncle Nick felt a little tense too.
At the sound of heavy breathing and footsteps, Levi gripped the arms of his chair, not taking his eyes off the movie screen. Everyone in the theater was silent as they watched the shadowy villain creeping closer to the unsuspecting teenager. Where was that superhero?
Then out of the sky flew the hero, mighty and powerful, cape blowing behind him. Levi and others whooped and clapped when the hero finally captured the bad guy.
“Great movie!” Levi told his uncle as they walked to the parking lot. “Thanks for taking me, Uncle Nick. I always love the part when the good guy gets the bad guy!”
Uncle Nick started up the car then turned to Levi. “That’s why it’s so great to be a Christian. We know for sure, right from the start, that the good guy defeats the bad guy.”
“What are you talking about?” Levi asked.
“Jesus!” exclaimed Levi’s uncle. “He is the biggest superhero of them all.” Uncle Nick backed the car out and headed for home. “Jesus triumphed over Satan when He rose again after dying on the cross for our sins. He defeated death so we could be rescued.”
“So how come there are still bad guys doing bad things if Jesus won?” asked Levi.
“Because Jesus wants to give everyone a chance to be rescued before He gets rid of sin forever,” explained Uncle Nick. “Christians realize that no matter what awful things we have done or continue to do, we have already been rescued by Jesus. And one day Jesus will come back and make everything in the world right. Then everyone will know that God is in control, not Satan.”
Levi took the last swig of his soda. “I guess knowing the ending of the story sure makes things a lot less scary!”
– Bonnie Carr
How about you?
Who is your hero? Who do you count on when you’re in trouble? Jesus has already defeated sin and death. Yes, Satan is still out there stirring up trouble, but if you believe that Jesus has already won the battle with the Bad Guy, then you can feel much less frightened about the hard, scary things in life. Jesus has rescued you, and one day He’ll come back to get rid of evil forever!
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