Daily Devotional for May 11, 2017
Stubborn Leaves

Mae pointed to an oak tree along the bike path where she and her dad and brother were taking a break from riding their bikes. “Half the leaves on that tree are green, and half are brown!” she said.
Ethan laughed. “I guess it can’t decide whether it’s spring or fall.”
Dad smiled. “Those brown leaves are left over from last year,” he said. “This kind of oak is very unwilling to let its leaves drop in the fall. Even the strong winds and heavy snowfall of winter are often unable to tear them from the branches.”
“Well, the tree would look nicer if it would just let those ugly, useless old leaves drop,” said Mae.
“Maybe the tree is a lot like us,” said Dad. “Sometimes we cling to ugly things too—like stubborn bad habits.”
“Like calling people bad names,” said Ethan. “You do that a lot, Mae.”
Mae knew it was true. “I know,” she said, “but at least I don’t go around pointing out other people’s faults and ignoring my own.” She frowned at her brother. “Like someone I know.”
“Okay, I admit it,” said Ethan. “I don’t know why I always notice the mistakes others make more than the good stuff they do.”
“What makes those brown leaves finally fall?” asked Mae as they got back on their bikes. “I know they don’t stay on the tree all summer.”
“As new leaves grow and cover the tree, they simply push the old ones off,” replied Dad. “The old ones must give way to the new—and you know what? That principle works in life too. It works for changing habits. By embracing our new life in Jesus and doing what He wants us to do—and loving others the way He does—we can change our old ways.”
“You mean if I saw others the way Jesus does and said nice things, the mean, ugly words would drop off?” Mae asked.
“And if I looked for something good in people, I’d probably stop pointing out their mistakes?” asked Ethan.
Dad nodded. “God tells us to get rid of sin, but He doesn’t stop there. He says to replace it with loving words and actions. That’s the only way to let go of the stubborn habits in our lives.” – Trudy Vander Veen
How about you?
How can you replace bad habits with good ones? When mean words pop into your mind or you’re tempted to criticize, remember how much Jesus loves you and that He wants you to show His love to others. Then respond the way He would—with loving words and actions.
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