Daily Devotional for October 7, 2020
Stolen Credit

“I had an awful day at school!” Ryan said as he dropped his backpack on the floor. “What happened, buddy?” Dad sat down next to Ryan.
“There was some paper trash on the ball field at recess today, so I picked all of it up and threw it in the trash can. Then Bobby went running back to class and told Miss Holland he’d done it! What a liar!”
“Did you tell Miss Holland what really happened?” asked Dad.
“No, she was too busy thanking Bobby in front of the whole class.”
“Oh, Ryan, I’m sorry. I had a similar thing happen to me today,” said Mom. “When Pastor Reynolds’ wife called me and raved about the beautiful menu cards Mrs. Smith made for the church banquet, my heart sank. I had made those cards and delivered them to Mrs. Smith to give to Mrs. Reynolds. From the way Mrs. Reynolds talked, it sounded like Mrs. Smith hadn’t bothered to tell her I was the one who made them.”
“Did you correct her?” asked Dad.
“No. I let it go,” Mom said.
Dad put one arm around his wife and the other around Ryan. “It’s nice to feel appreciated for our deeds, so I’m officially recognizing you and saying good job. I’m proud of both of you!”
“Do you think Bobby needed to feel that way today?” asked Ryan.
“Maybe. That doesn’t mean what he did was right, but it helps us understand why he did it.”
“Wow,” said Ryan. “I didn’t think of it that way.”
“Sometimes the best thing to do when someone else takes the credit for something we did is to set the record straight,” said Dad. “Other times, it may be to let it go. We do good deeds because we love Jesus, who gave us the ability to do good in the first place, not to win the approval of other people. You picked up that trash because you care about God’s creation and want others to enjoy it. You did it for Jesus, not yourself.”
Ryan nodded. “Maybe this time I should just let it go. And the next time there’s a good deed that needs doing, I’ll encourage Bobby to do it so he can feel appreciated.”
Dad smiled. “That idea is a good deed right there.” • Marilyn Buehrer
How about you?
Has someone taken credit for your hard work or good deed? When the thanks you deserve is given to someone else, tell Jesus about it. Ask Him to help you know if you should set the record straight or just let it go. Whatever you choose to do, know that He saw what you did. Do your work and good deeds for Him out of love and thankfulness for all He’s done for you.
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